Town of Mount Hope Town Board Meeting Nov 7, 2019
The town board meeting of the Town of Mount Hope was held at the Mount Hope Town Hall on November 7, 2019 at 7:30pm with the following present: Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Chris Furman and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.
OFFICIALS PRESENT: D. Bavoso: Attorney, D. Hassenmayer: Highway Supt., A. Briceno: Police Sgt.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30pm & asked audience to silence cell phones.
MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Howell that the minutes of the October 21, 2019 meeting are accepted as submitted. All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Furman; carried.
- Public hearing notice from T/O Mount Hope re: Dollar General/Pizza Mania
- 2019 fire calls – Otisville fire company
- 2019 building department report
- Jenn Metzger; Nov 12 at VFW in Warwick @ OC Veterans Resource Fair
- Aug, Sept, Oct 2019 impound reports from Palmer’s Ark
- Letter from NYS AG & Mkts re: Notice of Intent re: 273 Finchville Turnpike/Borrego Solar
- Fall 2019 Trash report
- Veterans Appreciation Day Proclamation
- Resignation from Kelli Walsh CPA effective 12-31-2019
- Info re:2020 Annual Meeting & Training School Feb 2020
Councilman Jennings asked Dean to tell the guys “great job on the playground” – it looks great! Great feedback on facebook. Village board meeting is tonight at 7:00pm. Planning board meeting is 11/20 at 7pm. He would like to do a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new playground. The board agreed on Nov. 16 @10am. He commented that the new recreation center looks great. He noted the exhaust fan at the top. He feels air blowing in. Councilman Carey: Correct me if I’m wrong, there’s no heat design for that building except for the kitchen area. Supervisor Volpe: there’s heat & AC in that section but that’s an exhaust fan that when you turn it on to avoid using the AC, it’ll suck all the heat out. It’s air flow. Jennings: you can see the air blowing in. Supervisor: we don’t want to see that. We’ll have to cover it somehow. The heat guy is coming this week or next week. Councilman Jennings asked the attorney is we could do an agreement with Optimum. Attorney: you could, if you wanted to. By law, those agreements are non-exclusive. If you wanted to invite them in, you could. I have found, generally, those companies tend to be working together. Optimum may not want to come in to a place where Spectrum is already and vice-versa. There’s nothing that would stop them from coming in and trying to do that. Councilman Furman: the situation on Kohler Road, Greenville has Optimum, we have Spectrum. Spectrum wouldn’t carry a line over to those people with Optimum. Attorney: they could potentially, if you had a contact – you could certainly talk to them about it. Those agreements are non-exclusive by law. Even if it’s for a small # of houses, they could always sign a franchise agreement the town and be able to operate within it.
Councilman Furman reported the MVYFL won last weekend. Sunday is a home game for D2 at 12:00pm. The Greenville VFW is having a pancake breakfast Nov. 10th at 9am to 1pm for Veterans Day. Otisville fire company is having a penny social 11/16 from 5-8:30.
Councilman Carey: the last 7-8 weeks, Chris Furman and myself went door to door. Met more people in the T/O Mount Hope than in the 4 years I’ve been sitting here. He thanked everyone that came out to vote. There was a couple of trunk or treats which were successful. We were involved with the one at the Presbyterian Church. The Rotary is doing a Tricky Tray on 11/8 at 6pm at the Minisink high school. There’s a Tricky Tray put on by the Humane Society of Deerpark at the High Point K9 Center at 2224 Mount Hope Road. He asked if we came up with a time for our tree lighting. H’way Supt.: 7pm on Dec. 14th. Village patriot tree lighting will be 12/6 at 5:30pm. 12/7 at 5:30pm is the tree lighting at the firehouse in Otisville. Our Santa Claus is booked.
Councilman Howell reported the parade is 11/9 at 11:00am from the firehouse to Veterans Park on Main Street. He updated the new rec center on Baker Street. The drywall company is making good progress. They’re getting in to the kitchen and restrooms. Supervisor Volpe added that the siding should be starting before our next meeting. It should be 5-7 start to finish. He thanked Dean for his help with the youth center.
Supt. Hassenmayer reported: the insulation will go up in the new addition part tomorrow in the ceiling. The sheetrock is all up on the walls but they haven’t been able to spackle because of the cold temps. We’ve been working on getting the doors wrapped up as far as their air-tightness and latches and everything. We hope by next week it will be sealed up for winter. Once that is done, we’re probably gonna start painting. All the fixtures for the restrooms are in and will get installed after the painting. Supervisor: I know Rose Phillips is anxiously waiting to start her library. Once the painting is done, Mike Romano will install the outlets & then the room will start coming together. I’m hopeful; that in less than 60 days we will have a ribbon cutting. Councilman Carey noted the front door on the senior center needs adjusting. Dean will get there to check it out. Supt. Hassenmayer spoke re: items on auction site. We need to accept or decline all of them. His opinion is we got good money for most everything there. Supervisor: are they separate bids? Dean: they’re all separate, yes. We can decline any or all. Supervisor: the 1st one on there the 250 pick-up, it’s come to my attention that an employee from the town had bid on it – so I would like to put that one back out there to bid. That’s not an ethical thing to have happen. Dean gave the following bid amounts:
2001 Freightliner (originally paid $91,000) – high bid is: $25,200
2002 International (paid $67,000) – high bid is: $4,400
Flatbed pain truck bid is: $2,125
2008 Chevy 1 ton dump (paid $42,000) high bid is: $16,600
Tonneau cover bid is: $57.50
Electric stove bid is: $185.
MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Howell to accept the bid offers as follows:
2001 Freightliner $25,200
2002 International $4,400
Flatbed paint truck $2,125
2008 Chevy 1 ton dump $16,600
Tonneau cover $57.50
Electric stove $185
All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Furman; carried.
H’way Supt.: follow up on truck 11 (Ford pick-up) we may not have to re-bid that; they have a thing where it’s called a counter bid – he will try that option. He will email everyone for approval. We got our new trucks. One of them is outside. Both of them will be in the parade on Saturday. Councilman Jennings asked who will be using the new trucks. Dean: Chris & Troy. He explained these are only development trucks ie: Hidden Valley and cul-de-sacs. They’re not for pushing heavy snow on the main roads.
No report per Sgt. Briceno.
Supervisor Volpe reported he did 3 interviews with Julie. One person withdrew their application when she realized it was only 6 hours. The other person has a fulltime job and leaving Julie’s recommendation to keep on Deb Taylor at 6 hours per week. That requires a re-appointment. Councilman Furman: I have an issue. The issue is not against Deb Taylor. To me it was presented that it was gonna be a temporary position 5 hours/week. And it was presented that it was gonna be for data entry. I have nothing against the person in the position but I’m trying to understand what we are really appointing. Are we appointing someone for 5 hours/week? 7 hours/week? I want to be clear what those responsibilities will be & what the job is actually entailing. I didn’t see the listing. It seems like it’s more than basic clerical. Supervisor: so you want to know what it entails. It entails putting in the information…Furman: so that’s the way we advertised? Basic data entry? Supervisor: data entry, BAS system, had to be knowledgeable of the system we use. Furman: are we gonna stick to 5 hours/week? or 6 hours? Supervisor: the budget when we did the budget, we changed it to 6 hours. Right now it’s just 5 hours.
MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Furman to re-appoint Deb Taylor, as clerk to building department for 5 hours/week through end of 2019 then 6 hours/week effective January 2020. All in favor: Howell, Furman, Volpe; NAY: Carey, Jennings; motion carried.
Attorney explained he put another call in to them today. He emailed them last week & didn’t get a response. He will continue to follow-up with them.
Supervisor Volpe explained this has already been approved at the planning board level. Attorney Bavoso: the planning board has the authority to approve the plan however since the town is going to be holding that money not the planning board itself this board has to approve receiving the bond. The calculation was provided in regard to what the bond is going to be so this board would have to vote to approve that amount and the ability to receive it. Councilman Howell: They’re giving us that amount of money or is that the amount of money the bond is. Attorney: that’s the amount of money the bond is going to be. If the owner were to abandon the property, that money would be held to basically deconstruct the project. Howell: for some reason this seems to be significantly less than the last one we did. Attorney: it’s a smaller project, that’s why. Supervisor: this is for 2 megawatts. Pierson’s was 4. Willis’ is 3. Howell was only 2. I don’t remember if we approved Howell yet. Furman: in retrospect to the size, does that seem right? Attorney: it’s my understanding that both the town engineer and Glenn had reviewed those numbers and based it on the calculation they’d been using for the rest of them. That’s why they wanted to submit it because essentially it’s percentage–wise of the project the same amount as the other ones – it’s just a smaller project.
MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to approve the Finchville Turnpike solar project decommissioning bond for $108,656.90. All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Furman; carried.
Supervisor Volpe informed the board that the holiday party will be on Friday, December 20 at 12:00 noon in the town board meeting room for all of our employees. I will send something out in the paychecks.
MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Jennings to accept resignation from Kelli Walsh, CPA effective 12-31-2019. All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Furman; carried.
MOTION offered Supervisor Volpe 2nd Councilman Carey to approve the following as read by Councilman Howell:
WHEREAS, November 11th is a federal holiday to honor the men and women whom serve in the United States Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Mount Hope recognizes the dedication and sacrifice our Veterans have made to serve and protect our country; and
WHEREAS, Through the service of our Veterans, our freedom and liberties are preserved; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Mount Hope expresses its most sincere thanks and gratitude for your service to our country;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Town of Mount Hope proclaims November 9, 2019 as VETERANS APPRECIATION DAY in the Town of Mount Hope.
All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Furman; carried.
MOTION offered Councilman Jennings 2nd Councilman Howell to approve the following bills (Abstract #33 & #34):
Abstract #33:
GENERAL A: #663-682 $ 77,989.41
GENERAL B: #85-87 $ 3,119.46
HIGHWAY: #146-151 $ 25,364.30
SEWER: #90-93 $ 2,842.42 AND
Abstract #34:
GENERAL A: #683-703 $ 54,716.57
GENERAL B: #88-90 $ 13,288.50
HIGHWAY: #152-157 $ 49,535.62
SEWER: #94-95 $ 2,230.01.
All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Furman; carried.
Keri Carey: the Village of Otisville’s centennial is in 2021. They have formed a centennial committee and the 1st meeting is next Wed., Nov. 13 at 7pm at village hall if anyone is interested in taking part in this.
Alison Miller: on behalf of FOTOS, I want to thank the town board for putting the proposition on the ballot Tuesday for the BINGO law which passed. What’s the process now? Attorney: that passed the referendum right? We just need the proof that the referendum passed and we file the law like we do any other law with the state. Miller: What’s the time frame? Attorney: couple weeks. It depends on when we actually get the results. January 1st would be safe.
Councilman Howell hopes to see everyone at the Veteran’s parade this Saturday.
Councilman Carey thanked everyone for the election results. He will post pictures on facebook from the parade.
Councilman Furman spoke re: the old school Holiday Swap-n-Shop on 12-14-2019. There will be at least one more drop-off/collection before then. Dates will be announced on their facebook page. He thanked everyone for passing the BINGO law. He thanked the community for their support during this election.
Councilman Jennings: come out Saturday and support the Veterans.
Attorney Bavoso added that for anyone that might be passing through Port Jervis this weekend that as part of the bridge project – the entire tri-state area by the New Jersey border is gonna be completely shut down and detoured starting 6pm tomorrow night through 6am Tuesday morning because they are replacing culverts as part of that project.
Supervisor Volpe reported that as we accepted the resignation of the CPA today, he had Angie start calling places today. He will start doing interviews next week for a replacement. He reported that he received several calls from Spectrum News re: our BINGO law. They may be coming to do an interview on the BINGO law.
MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Howell to adjourn the meeting at 8:06pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2019 at 7:30pm at Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Myers, RMC
Town Clerk