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Town of Mount Hope Town Board Meeting June 15, 2020

The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at Town Hall on June 15, 2020 at 7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Christopher Furman and Deputy Town Clerk Paula Bird. Not present: Kathleen Myers, Town Clerk.

OFFICIALS PRESENT:   Chief P. Rickard, D. Bavoso –Town Attorney, Highway Supt. D. Hassenmayer.

Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30PM, following the Pledge of Allegiance. 


MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to accept the minutes from the June 1, 2020. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


  1. Supervisor’s Report May 2020
  2. Updated Use of Force Policy for adoption
  3. Letter from Assessor to Planning Board re: money in lieu of parklands- 6 lot subdivision for Ascent II LLC
  4. Letter to Assessor re: Property Class designation for 45 Lake Claire Dr. S/B/L: 9-1-20
  5. Letter from HV Water re: water main flush on June 24, 2020
  6. May 2020 Impound Report from Palmer’s Ark
  7. Otisville Fire Dept. Call History Report May 2020



COUNCILMAN JENNINGS reported the village bulk clean-up is this week.  Village Board is holding a public hearing this Thursday at 6:30 on a Community Development Grant application. Since the meeting will be closed to the public, village residents are invited to submit comments by email, fax or mail to be received by 5:30 PM this Thursday, regular meeting will immediately follow. Community yard sale scheduled for the first Saturday in August is cancelled. The Planning Board will meet at 7PM this Wednesday 6-17-20 at Town Hall. Supervisor Volpe asked about the fair. Councilman Jennings noted the fair is postponed until next year.

COUNCILMAN FURMAN reported there is no ZBA meeting and wants to remind everyone Tuesday is Primary Day and to get out and vote.

COUNCILMAN CAREY reported early voting is going now and can vote at Delaware Engine Company on 22 Hammond St in Port Jervis since June 13th through June 21st. He doesn’t think many took advantage during last election but is available if you want. Village is having bulk pick-up. He suggests people to lock car doors due to people picking through trash. Regarding the protest that took place on June 7th, he thanked the Police Department and State Police as well as the Otisville Fire Dept. for being available if needed. He also thanked Trustee Robert Bennett. No other village representation was there. He spoke of a Unity BBQ that some other towns were doing and thinks it’s a good idea.

COUNCILMAN HOWELL reported that the Howell’s Fire Dept. completed the required annual trainings and equipment testing and all certifications are up to date.


The floor at the Youth Center should start next week. The paving there should be done by the end of the month. Supervisor Volpe noted the planter boxes look great. Hwy Supt. said they tried to keep expenses down while dressing up the property. They started the fiber mat process on Shoddy Hollow and Bull Rd which will be capped with asphalt. Not sure when it will be done, but are guaranteed 80% CHIPS money and the roadwork schedule for the year will continue. Supervisor Volpe confirmed the 80% CHIPS funding. Councilman Carey asked about the fire alarm system. Supervisor Volpe noted the only thing left to do with the alarm system is an additional phone line. Councilman Carey suggested capping the smoke detectors while grinding the floors.


Chief Rickard is looking to approve the Use of Force Policy. He would like to add, in response to an executive order the Governor came out with today, under section 300.6 Medical Considerations, in addition to offering medical treatment, mental health assistance should be added. He is looking to hire Andrea Freyer who lives in Town of Newburgh. She has passed the agility, background and meets the minimum qualifications. She will be a phase 2 sponsorship, so she would sign an agreement to reimburse our costs. Also, per the union contract she would reimburse any other costs expended by us (vests, etc.).







The academy class starts July 2, so he is looking to get her hired by next Monday. If approved tonight, she is tentatively scheduled for psych and drug testing this Thursday and Friday. Councilman Jennings questioned whether we usually do that before we hire. Chief Rickard said we can’t do it until a provisional appointment which would be tonight. This would be a conditional offer of employment part time non-competitive as long as she passes everything. Regarding the protest he confirmed Councilman Carey in thanking the Fire Dept., three Port Jervis police, State police who gave eight Troopers and a Sergeant. The Sheriff’s office was unavailable that day however they ended up having someone drive through. In speaking to Port Jervis Police Chief and Deerpark Police Chief, they would like to form a local law to extend the mutual aid agreement. Atty. Bavoso stated it wouldn’t require a local law it would just be a contract. The march went well and was uneventful. They were able to use the county radio system for the first time. Supervisor Volpe added that since the agreement with Port Jervis and Deerpark was passed 3 months ago, this was a good resource to have, to give extra manpower in a 48 hour window for the protest.


SUPERVISOR VOLPE reported on the concert series. He would like to see it start August 4 which is the 1st Tuesday, there will be 5 of them. We should be clear of the phases. If the board agrees he will talk to Matt from New Windsor. Traditionally a band will play for us on Tues and play for them on Weds to allow for a better price. However, New Windsor has cancelled their concerts due to COVID. There is a possibility for the last week in July but if one of the phases gets moved back then it would be August. Councilman Carey asked if anyone has an issue with allowing a local band to play. He also added we have no grant money this year for the concerts. Discussion ensued scheduling of bands possibly extending the dates into September. Councilman Carey then asked since there is not going to be a fair or community yard sale, could a local business sell things at the concerts? Supervisor Volpe stated they would need liability insurance and they would have to fill out a facility use application stating what they are selling. Atty. Bavoso added if we are allowing them to be there we need to set clear rules (number of entities, 1st come1st served, etc). Councilman Howell confirmed we would take it week by week basis until the date gets closer. Supervisor Volpe will contact New Windsor to get August scheduled and we can solicit our own bands for September. Councilman Jennings suggested we put it on our Facebook page. The grand opening of the Youth Center will be July 24th. If we need to set something up in the parking lot to socially distance we will. He said we have many applications for it so far. Councilman Carey will advertise for it again.  Discussion on how many cards have been issued to date. Councilman Jennings asked when the senior center would open for rentals. Supervisor Volpe said it can open in phase 4 -which is the 1st week of July. According to the guidelines, seniors are not going to be included in phase 4 due to them being the most vulnerable population. Things have been changing daily, but according to Dr. Gelman, from the county, groups of 10 are allowed today but next Tues. the 23rd groups of 25 will be allowed, however seniors will not be included in that 25. Chief Rickard commented about the Governor not allowing senior centers to open but our senior center is rented to non-seniors. Councilman Jennings asked when we do open, with the limit on how many residents can be there in one time, will we tell potential renters the number of people allowed per phase. The limit will have to be policed by the renter- we don’t have enough manpower. Atty. Bavoso suggested a COVID rider on the facility use application.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Howell to approve the May 2020 Supervisor’s report. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


Councilman Howell questioned Chief Rickard section 300.7 Supervisor’s Responsibilities in the Use of Force Policy. He questioned if the entire section applies to the Executive Law § 840. Chief Rickard explained, there would be a notification to the supervisor.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Jennings to approve the updated Use of Force of Policy as written with the amendment including mental health assistance in section 300.6. (Policy on file in town clerk’s office) All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to approve conditional offer of employment to Andrea Freyer as non-competitive police officer pending medical and psychological testing, start date June 22, 2020. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.












MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to approve the following bills (Abstract #23, #24):

Abstract #23:

GENERAL A:                  #336-346           $    25,316.17

GENERAL B:                  #51                   $         143.74

HIGHWAY:                     #82-87               $    45,066.14

SEWER:                        #47-48               $      1,567.03



GENERAL A:                  #347-364           $    58,751.59

GENERAL B:                  #52-55               $      9,624.30

HIGHWAY:                     #88-96               $    69,361.41

SEWER:                        #49-51              $      1,581.80

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


Supervisor Volpe commented on the protest. In the seven years he’s been here he’s never seen a protest and wasn’t sure how it would go. All went well. The people that were there got their messages across. The organizers spoke with the Chief and himself prior to the event. He was grateful to know about it ahead of time in order to take necessary precautions. The basketball courts will open in phase 3 but still unsure of the necessary requirements for use.



Councilman Carey noted positive comments on Facebook Live regarding the protest.



Supervisor Volpe: To Hwy Supt- the parks look great. The geese haven’t been there in 2 weeks.

Councilman Carey: Next meeting we’ll know who’s on the school board and if the budget is passed.

Councilman Furman: Reminded everyone to vote on Tuesday for the Primary.

Councilman Howell: No comments.

Councilman Jennings: No comments.

Supervisor Volpe: Town Hall is now open taking precautions. If anyone enters down the hall we need name, address, phone number and they need a temperature taken



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


The next meeting is scheduled for July 6, 2020 at 7:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,        




 Paula Bird, Deputy Town Clerk for Kathleen Myers, Town Clerk