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Town of Mount Hope Town Board Meeting February 18, 2020

The town board meeting of the Town of Mount Hope Town Board was held at the Mount Hope Town Hall on February 18, 2020 at 7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Chris Furman and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers. NOT PRESENT: Councilman Matt Howell

OFFICIALS PRESENT: Deputy Police Chief Maresca, Highway Supt. Hassenmayer & Attorney D. Bavoso.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30pm & asked audience to silence cell phones.



Supervisor Volpe opened the public hearing at 7:30. The public notice is available on the front table. There are copies of the law available. Supervisor asked for board comments. Councilman Carey asked which building this is specifically for. Supervisor: currently the new building. Atty. Bavoso asked if it was the application or? Supervisor: the application is for the new youth center. The local law would be up to the town board where we would allow it. Councilman Furman had no comments. Councilman Jennings has concerns. He’s not a big fan of this law allowing alcohol. He’s concerned with drinking/driving. He doesn’t feel we should have this for the park.  He noted on the agreement that he thinks we should be supplying the mop/broom. He thinks we should supply cleaning supplies. Councilman Carey added that as far as the local law goes, he doesn’t encourage anyone to drink/drive. We have had experience in our senior center that when people rent it and fix it up nicely due to a restricted budget. He’s been to the community center a couple times when it’s been his turn to check on it. If we advertised, they way some people fix it up – we’d probably get more people in there.  As a resident, if you choose to have a wedding or party in there – be honest people have alcohol. He’s an adult and responsible for himself. He’s not going to go somewhere and have 10 drinks and drive. People that are homeowners and call their insurance agency to get a rider on their insurance to prove to us they have it -he’d like to think the insurance is going to talk to them & explain. Jennings: I think we can do other stuff than just weddings….like kids birthday parties. You could probably rent that 2x per day for kids’ birthday parties. Councilman Furman doesn’t condone drinking/driving either. He thinks there’s other towns doing this as well. This has been policies for other towns for many years. He thinks if it is done responsibly and only for town residents, he doesn’t see a problem with it. Your putting you home up for the insurance and he would think the insurance agent will tell you the risk. He’s hoping with policy in place, people will use this responsibly. If we have issues/problems, we could revoke this law. Supervisor Volpe asked for public comment. Alison Miller verified that this law will apply to any town facility. Supervisor: the way it’s written, correct. However, it will be determined by the town board. He doesn’t think there’s any inkling that people wanna have beer/alcohol in the park. Miller: devils advocate, if residents start finding out that you can rent that center and have alcohol there and the law says facilities, I might certainly think that I can rent the town park and have champagne there, have an engagement party or have alcohol there. In theory, it could be anywhere. And you could certainly have residents say ‘what do you mean I can have it at the rec center and not the senior center’? Or not at the town park. But the way it’s written, it’s a blanket to apply to all facilities? I understand you, as the town board, can approve any application. As a resident, I read this and think I wanna have a party; I wanna have my engagement party; I wanna have my wedding at the town park – now we can have a champagne toast there. Supervisor: the way the current law was is it said no alcohol in any facility. Atty. Bavoso: the law itself is still a blanket prohibition and then you still need approval of this town board. This town board can set as part of this application – you can only choose these particular facilities. From my perspective, is making sure it’s blanket across the board. I want them to establish that list so it doesn’t seem like they are arbitrarily rejecting one. Miller: that would be my thought that this person can have an event here but not there and what’s the reason why. Rich Rebman: this is only for people that rent it that have to be town residents? Supervisor: yes. Rebman: I can’t rent it for my aunt that lives in Sullivan County? Supervisor: if you’re renting it under your name and taking full responsibility. Rebman: I don’t know – you’re saying it has to be a town resident so therefore, somebody – a town resident can rent it for somebody from Virginia to have a wedding party up here. Supervisor: but you would be on the hook for it. The only person that can come down here and rent it is a town resident. Rebman: they have to fill out the paperwork or they have to come before the town board? Supervisor: they fill out the paperwork; once it’s passed – if it’s passed – you would simply come down and fill out the application and all of the facilities it applies to- it would just go through the application process as far as security deposit, proof of residency, proof of insurance. Rebman: at a town board meeting – you guys are gonna vote on it?  Atty. Bavoso: yes, you would vote on approving the application that as it being complete and acceptable to you. Rebman: it would come down to a town board meeting. Bavoso: it would come down to a vote. Rebman: I’m gonna down and rent it for my brother that lives in Massachusetts. We’re gonna have a shin-dig. I would fill it out, drop it off with Kathleen. There’s a waiting period. Six months, six weeks. Bavoso: I wouldn’t say 6 weeks. Supervisor: I don’t think that’s the way I’m reading this. Rebman: that’s what I’m asking. You’re saying town residents. Supervisor: I was not under the assumption that each particular…..Rebman: you should re-do it then. Bavoso: I just want to explain it. The application as it is written requires the individual renting it be a town resident. If you wanted to rent it for a birthday party for a family member that lives out of town, that’s fine as long as you’re the one renting it. The law, NOT the application, says that alcoholic beverages are prohibited without the approval of the town board.


If they fill out the application, they have to provide all the information, they have to provide the insurance, then this board has to then approve the completion of that application (inaudible) based upon the information provided. A. Miller: does that have to be done at a board meeting? Bavoso: yes. It’s not a hearing. Councilman Carey: every 2 weeks we have a board meeting you’re not waiting 6 weeks/months. Miller: so, people need to know that it’s not a guaranteed application. It’s not approved even if you have all the paperwork, you still have to wait at least 2 weeks. Councilman Carey: you’re also assuming that if you come in here March 21st the day after our building opens and you want it for the following weekend it may not be available. It may be rented. There’s gonna be other people having events either at the senior center of the new youth center. Miller: I understand but if I’m looking for a place to rent for an event, typically I have a date in mind and I would like to reserve a place. Now, if I have to wait 2 weeks to find out if that’s approved, I may go somewhere else. I don’t think it would be favorable for the person now to find out in 2 weeks that now their application was no approved and now have to scramble around to try to find another place. This is party season and places get booked really quickly. I understand the approval from the town board. Does it have to be at a town board meeting? Bavoso: no, they’d have to vote on it at a meeting. Miller: that would be a concern.  Supervisor asked the attorney of that could be changed. Bavoso: We can but I don’t recommend it. Supervisor: I think initially we’ll go with it and then if we see it’s gonna be an issue – then we’re gonna need to amend it. Carey: We’re in here once a week to sign bills so maybe if it came down to something just as a suggestion ‘hey this person wants to rent it’ – I realize the audience has given us the scenario that within 2 weeks or a month that they want to rent it – maybe it could be something where we each initial off on it. Would that count as….? Bavoso: no, under the open meetings law, the way it’s written needing town board approval (inaudible). Rebman: is it 1st come 1stserve? Bavoso: procedurally, I would think they put a hold for the 1st person. If the event is that important to them then they should have their application in within everything. Miller: or I would pick a different place, devil’s advocate. If it’s that important to me, I wouldn’t pick a place where I have to wait 2 weeks to find out if my application is approved. Carey: we have 2 facilities and I would hope in your scenario that if 2 people wanted to book it, maybe we can say hey how many people are you having – you could rent the senior center; and if there’s an excess #, then you could have the youth center. We could work that out. I get it we can come up with 100 scenarios – obviously it needs to be tweaked a little bit. I think we’re there. Councilman Furman: is our typical practice that we – if someone comes in, Kathleen, and they want to rent the senior center, they book it and then 20 minutes later somebody wanted to book it..Town Clerk: it’s booked, the 1st person is it. They don’t have to scramble to get the insurance. This is going to change the procedure a little bit. Supervisor: it’s gonna change the procedure but only for alcohol. Rebman: but if it’s not worded right you should re-do it and get it right. Why do it again? Why try to pass it now when? Ken Hilley: why not just have a running calendar? If someone comes in and wants to rent it, their name goes on the calendar; if someone comes in after that, someone already put their name in on that day – they know right then and there that that day is already taken. Supervisor: that’s exactly what we do.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to close public hearing at 7:48PM.  All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


AT THIS TIME, Supervisor Volpe noted that Councilman Howell won’t be here tonight. Trustee Loeven may not be present this evening due to another meeting.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Carey that the minutes of the February 3, 2020 meeting are accepted as submitted. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



  1. Resignation from Police Clerk Assistant Carol Dolan effective March 17, 2020
  2. Resignation from Robert Bakker effective April 1, 2020
  3. Budget modification from police department
  4. Town Clerk request for approval to attend Town Clerk Conference April 26-29, 2020 Albany NY
  5. Otisville fire call history for January 2020
  6. Supervisor’s report January 2019
  7. Letter from O&R re: paving
  8. Police Dept. monthly report January 2020
  9. Letter from OC Dept. of Health re: Ascent 6-lot subdivision



Councilman Carey spoke to Chief Coppola of Otisville Fire re: people not having their houses numbered for emergency purposes. Otisville (like Howells) will look in to a $15 – 1 foot sign with 3” letters that is reflectorized delivered to you and the houses are marked. He reached out to our website guy twice. He has not received a call back. He would like to look into finding a new website guy. He’s talked to T/O Montgomery and he looked at T/O Monroe’s site. He found a guy he met in the city at the training over the weekend that does other municipality sites. He doesn’t know why the website guy hasn’t returned his call. If anyone has been on our website – he complains about it all the time – it’s horrible. He would like to update it and get it user friendly; he’d like it to be where if there’s something posted on facebook that it’s also posted on the website. He put a posting on facebook that we are looking for directors for summer rec. The program will run from July 6 through August 14.


Director applications are due to Supervisor’s office by March 13 so we can start the process of getting counselors. Facebook has 1359 followers. Little league meeting was Feb 6 – he attended with Bob Clouse. Little league opens April 18. They would like to take our field that’s currently a softball field and turn it in to a baseball field. The difference between the 2 is a softball field pitcher mound is flat. Little league pitcher mound is raised. Also, on a softball field there is more clay in certain sections where that would be sod for a baseball field. They believe if they took some of the clay out and raised the pitcher’s mound with it…they had a couple thoughts. They like to utilize our field. They had a lot of requests for the village. They are in full force this year. He told them they have 2 liaisons on this board. Jim is the other one. Councilman Jennings asked when they hold their meetings. Councilman Carey texted Jim at the last minute because they hold them at the senior center. He will get Jim on the email list from them. He has a wish list from them. Town Clerk asked how little league gets in the senior center. Councilman Carey: they have 3 key fobs. Town Clerk: they’re the only group that has that. To the Supervisor-: I didn’t know you were doing that for everybody. I didn’t know you were giving those out. Supervisor explained they have key fobs for the basement. Town Clerk: they go in through the basement to go upstairs to have a meeting? Supervisor: they’re on the police one for the basement. I haven’t given them key fobs for the senior center. Town Clerk: then I don’t know how they’re getting in because they’ve never come to Paula or I to get the fob to get in. Supervisor: I can check because it would be under their name. They were added to the police to get in to the basement. I will double check. Councilman Carey: Otisville troop 1 is having a fundraiser at Applebee’s on 2-22-2020, pancake breakfast 8-10am $8. Project Graduation trick tray is 2-22-2020 doors open 5pm calling 6:30.  

Councilman Furman – no report.

Councilman Jennings reported the village meeting will be 2-20-2020 at 7pm. There were 24 fire calls for last month. Planning board will meet 2-19 at 7pm. Otisville youth basketball and Minisink youth basketball will have an all-star game this Friday at 6:15pm & 7:30 for boys. Small fee to get in. All proceeds to Minisink Cares. In the past 6 years they’ve raised $3,000 for Minisink Cares program.



Supt. Hassenmayer reported that on 2-4-2020 he and the highway guys were going over what they were going to do for the day when they heard a loud arc, electrical arc over in the shop next door. Turns out the original shop built in 1955 has conduit in the concrete floor. One of them shorted out, came up out of the ground and burnt to our fuel line. If we hadn’t been here, it would have leaked all our heating oil in to our garage floor drains if not had a fire. Over the last 2 weeks he’s had Troy and Brandyn abandon all those in ground wires from 1955 and ran all new ones. There’s a meeting for the rec center tomorrow with WB Mason to get prices on all our supplies ie: toilet paper holders, mops, buckets, brooms. The restroom partitions were ordered. He had 2 quotes. One from EA Morse in Middletown for $4433.00 The other quote was online from a company called One Point for $2800.00. He gave them sketches of the drawings they came back with their professional drawings. Everything works. He picked a color and ordered with his credit card so we can get it moving. He asked about the number of tables and chairs. He’s thinking 120 for starters. He likes the option of lifetime plastic tables/chairs. Sam’s club has a good price for 12 round tables w/ 10 people per table and 120 chairs on table and one chair rack – $5725. Assembled country USA. Councilman Jennings asked if he included the drip plate (?) for the walls for the hand dryers. They will do a piece of lexan plastic. Dean noted the siding is almost done. Supervisor Volpe asked if the SUV is on the market. Dean: no, he’s gonna try a different auction place. The county uses it for all their auctioned stuff. He’d like to try them.



Dep. Police Chief Maresca requested an earlier start date for Nick Contino to be February 19, 2020. He noted the resignation from Carol Dolan – she will be missed. They are looking for approval to hire Maureen Woods to replace Carol.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Jennings to change the start date for Police Officer Nick Contino from March 2, 2020 to February 19, 2020.  All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Jennings 2nd Councilman Furman to approve request from Town Clerk to attend Town Clerk conference in Albany NY April 26-29, 2020; for a cost of $842. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Carey to adopt LOCAL LAW #3-2020 ENTITLED: AMENDING SECTION 160-5 OF THE TOWN CODE OF THE TOWN OF MOUNT HOPE TO ALLOW ALCOHOL IN TOWN FACILITIES. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman; NAY: Jennings – Motion carried.


Supervisor Volpe asked the attorney what is entailed to change the process. What has to happen when there’s a check list to make sure everybody has everything and they have it – what’s the process so that it doesn’t have to go to the town board? Atty. Bavoso: the way the law is written, the board has to approve it anyway. If they’re submitting a full application, it can act as sort of a conditional approval – the condition being that the town board passes the motion to allow it.



Supervisor Volpe noted the dates that are on the agenda. Councilman Carey would like to check the OC Tourism site for any other events. This will be put on the agenda for next meeting. Councilman Carey asked for everyone to have a task for Community Day so that it runs a little smoother this year.



Supervisor Volpe would like to approve this. Race starts at 8. They will provide traffic control. Insurance is provided.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to allow the OC Sheriff Dept. to use our facility on May 9, 2020 for the 5K from 8-noon. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Carey to accept the resignation from highway employee Robert Bakker effective April 1, 2020. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Jennings to approve budget modification as follows:

Increase revenue line Police Fees A1650 for $42.54             and

Increase expense line Police Contr. A3120.4 for $42.54. (Direct TV refund) All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to approve the January 2020 Supervisor’s report as presented. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



Supervisor Volpe explained we need to schedule the MS-4 public hearing.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to schedule the public hearing for MS-4 on March 16, 2020 at 7:30pm at Town Hall. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried. (board members to get proof of ad)



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Furman to approve hiring Maureen Woods as police clerk effective February 19, 2020.  All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Carey to accept a resignation from Carol Dolan, police clerk effective March 17, 2020.  All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Jennings to approve the bills (Abstract #6 & #7):


GENERAL A:                  #71-94               $  68,896.04

GENERAL B:                  #9                     $    3,295.36

HIGHWAY:                     #23-28               $  97,218.96

SEWER:                         #10-11               $    3,137.32      AND



GENERAL A:                  #95-115             $  19,917.85

GENERAL B:                  #10-12               $    2,752.35

HIGHWAY:                     #29-31               $    2,198.87

SEWER:                        #12-14               $       545.92.

All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



Rose Phillips appeared before the board to give updates on the resource room. She has installed a desk, a double-sided children’s book case and the sensory corner. She has to install other items for the sensory corner: chairs, sensory wall panel & install a few other items. The computers and locks were delivered. She will look up how to create a guest account that won’t save any information of the user and how to lock the control so no one can go on and change that.


Computer security will be secured with 2 eye-hooks behind the wall that will secure the locking cable for the locks so no one can steal the computers. She’s held meeting with students regarding setting a schedule for ‘study-buddies’ nights. Her 1st story time event should be mid-April. Supervisor Volpe: that’s awesome. Councilman Carey promised her that the WIFI will be hooked up by this weekend. It will be restricted so people get in there to look up stuff they’re not supposed to. Supervisor Volpe spoke re: opening date. Grand opening date is March 20, 2020 at 5pm. He wants to get letters out to all invitees.  Councilman Furman thanked her for all she is doing. She thanked the board for the opportunity.


H’way Supt. Hassenmayer asked about the card readers at the youth center. Supervisor Volpe explained the last time they were up – all the hardware wasn’t on the doors on our end. When he talked to them last week, they are going to the PD this week to set up for the doors they need for the locker rooms. They will contact him and we’ll get online with all the key systems. All of the employees that are already on – he can add their cards. Dean: people go in and out of there because some of the doors are not locked. He didn’t know when it was gonna be activated. Councilman Carey added that the card access system is running off the police dept so it has nothing to do with the internet. It’s being piggy-backed off the senior center. Dean asked who is dealing with the fire alarm person. Carey: the wire is pulled through. Dean: if he doesn’t finish – I don’t think we can hold anything there. Supervisor will have Angie call tomorrow. Carey added the other thing we were gonna do is card access the door between the exercise room and the big room.


Councilman Carey spoke re: article in paper about police budgets. Mount Hope and V/O of Florida were not in that article. All that information is public information. He doesn’t know why they didn’t get it from us. Supervisor added that we usually get once/twice a year FOIL’s on salaries. Town Clerk added that we did get this request. It was told to her I don’t have it in email form. I forwarded it to Angie because she has the budget in email form. She was out sick one day maybe she didn’t get to it.


Attorney Bavoso added that we passed the local law – you have the application – this law allows you to adopt that application by motion this evening. It should be in place now that the law is adopted. He recommends that it specify the facilities that would be allowed to have alcohol then he can update the application. Councilman Furman asked if we can specify just one facility and later on – we change our minds. Attorney: you can do it by resolution. That’s what the law provides. Councilman Carey asked why we can’t just say senior center and youth center. Councilman Furman agrees. Supervisor: agreed it would be fine limiting it to just those 2 buildings. Attorney: we need a motion to adopt the application as it was provided including restriction to alcohol to just those 2 facilities. Councilman Jennings still has issue with the broom & cleaning supply stuff. He thinks we should supply that. Supervisor will have it taken out of the application. Discussion. H’way Supt. added that his intention was to set them up with dispensers not normal household rolls. After discussion – they will amend #6 to say the town will supply these items.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Supervisor Volpe to adopt the previously provided application striking ‘must’ and ‘will’ is to replace it – and ‘by the renter will be stricken. All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


Supervisor Volpe referred to page 2 on the rental application to the fess schedule for the youth center. He would like for the renter to have to put down a non-refundable deposit. He would like the wording to be the same on the senior center application. Discussion of procedure to rent.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Jennings to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm.  All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


The next town board meeting is scheduled for March 2, 2020 at 7:30pm at Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen A. Myers, RMC

Town Clerk












Paul Rickard
Phone: 845-386-2211
Fax: (845) 386-1100

Town Clerk:
Kathleen Myers
Phone: (845) 386-1460

1706 Route 211W,
New York 10963

Town Board Meetings:
First and Third Monday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

Planning Board Meetings:
Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings: Meets as needed.

Town Court:

Clerk: Myrna Macintosh
Clerk: Francine Heppes
Phone: (845) 386-5303