OFFICIALS PRESENT: Police Chief Rickard, Justice Joe Hosking.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Howell called the budget meeting to order at 6:00pm. Town Clerk gave board members their 2023 budget packets. Public notice was available on the desk for anyone who wants to see it.
Supervisor Howell began with the Justices:
Justice Joe Hosking was present. He stated there really is nothing to cut. The girls work 20 hours per week. We almost lost the new clerk. Supervisor added: the revenue doesn’t keep up with the expenses. Hosking: it won’t because of the law now. If someone says they can’t afford it they don’t have to pay. Other towns are starting the clerks at a higher amount. Hopefully she gets in increase come January. Councilman Carey: we need to look at starting scale salaries. Maybe we can call around. Are people paying by credit card? Hosking: yes, that’s been very good. State gets 2.99% for using the credit card. What if we run out of hours? Supervisor: we can do a budget modification if we have funding in another personal services line. Discussion on sovereign citizen FOIL request. Proper way to do this is to have her come in – not on a court night – to give her one group of papers at a time. She would mark which ones she wants. She should have to pay as much as anyone else. Councilman Carey: can she take pictures? Hosking: I would have to call the state resource center to ask.
Police Chief Rickard was present. The way his budget broke down was a $34,779 over this year – but it’s really not. This year we intentionally planned on spending $17,000 for upfitting of the car. If you add almost $18,000 to the budget from this year, that’s the actual # of money that we’re gonna spend. That was planned. Slight increase for SRO. Little increase for equipment. Contractual cut. Increase in “.1” is for FT officers. Gas is down compared to last year. This is a tight budget. 3% raises for Mike, Anna, Marie & Maureen. Councilman Carey: how are we ticket-wise? Chief: I’d have to get the #’s. Calls for service are up about 15%. Increase in mental health calls. Year to date 74 medical calls. Councilman Jennings: Howells is just supplying with fire – correct? Supervisor: yes. Jennings: Otisville is doing fire & medical? Chief: reduced medical. Carey: does our budget reflect the reduced services? Jennings: is that a question for the mayor? Discussion. Chief: new car is coming Monday. Councilman Carey asked how the hiring is going. Chief: not well.
Supervisor started going over the budget line by line.
Town board reflects 3%. Contractual is for office supplies. The 1st section of the profit/loss is revenue.
Justices were already discussed.
Supervisor reflects 2% to not override the tax cap. Angie’s salary gets broken down to other lines.
There’s a name change for the line for the accountant – A1989.4.
Budget officer went up 3.5%.
Assessor line reflects 3% for him and Angie.
Supervisor Howell explained a certiorari to Councilwoman Davis.
Town Clerk explained: 3% for herself and the increase for the deputy.
Attorney had no change.
Engineer line was lowered to $16,000.
Election line is zero We haven’t had to pay in at least 4 years. Central services – Supervisor will find out what this line is for.
Buildings line is for cleaning services.
A1640 is vehicle maintenance.
A1650 is the fax machine only.
Supervisor Howell explained the unallocated insurance line and the municipal dues line.
A1930 – no change.
A1989 is the new line for the accountant.
A1990 is the exception to the rule per the accountant.
A3010 is a line Dean uses.
A3310 Dean uses for road signs & painting the roads.
DCO line is 3% but dropped the contractual amount.
Supt. of Highways reflects 3% in salary.
Garage is the same as last year.
Veterans usually put in one voucher with back up at the end of the year.
Seniors are looking for an increase.
A7140 is for mowing of lawns – contractual went down.
A7310 is for the summer camp. Hope to have that next year.
A7410 is for the PJ library.
He explained the A7520 & A7550.
A8810 will stay at zero.
A8745 is for erosion control.
He explained the employee benefits.
“A” Revenues:
Supervisor explained that Dennis will provide the PILOT numbers.
He explained all the fees: clerk fees, police fees etc.
A2611 is (dogs) running at large.
A2709 health contribution – Supervisor explained that’s for employees that have to contribute for health care.
A3389 is for the STOP DWI.
General “B”:
Supervisor explained the building department lines.
B1340 is for payroll for Angie.
Supervisor explained the playgrounds and youth rec line. There are no joint projects ie: summer concerts with the village.
Planning board is 3% salary.
Supervisor went through the “B” revenue page line by line.
Supervisor went through the highway budget line by line and then went through the highway revenues line by line.
Hidden Valley:
Supervisor explained the increase in SS1990.
Fire Departments:
OFD: their contract is through 2023. The supervisor will discuss the medical call situation with the village.
Supervisor explained his goal is to keep within the tax cap at 2%.
MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Jennings to adjourn the meeting at 8:56pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Jennings, Davis, Furman; carried.
The next BUDGET meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Myers, RMC
Town Clerk