(845) 386-1460 clerk@townofmounthope.org
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Town Board Minutes March 2015

  1. Supervisor’s budget modification
  2. Resignation letter from Robert Bell from the Board of Assessment Review
  3. Letter from Civil Tech re: lands of Lazier sewer hook up request
  4. Memo from h’way Supt. re: Spring trash clean-up



POLICE by Chief Rickard:

Chief Rickard requested executive session for a personnel issue.

HIGHWAY DEPT. by Supt. Hassenmayer:

He requested approval for another training course for himself, Julie and 2 highway men re: MS4 Stormwater, offered by Cornell Coop. Extension in Middletown NY; March 20th, $95/person.  Need to have someone on staff always that knows how to do this for inspections.  It should come out of the stormwater line.

He spoke about spring clean-up.  He needs ad to go in paper for dumpster service this week. Bid opening will be on 3-18-15 @10:00am; the awards will be good for spring and fall clean-ups.





Atty. Bavoso explained the possibility for appointing alternates for the planning and zoning boards.  It’s allowed by state law to adopt a local law that allows alternates.  The alternates are in place so that they will attend every meeting and be up to date on the applications but won’t be able to officially act on anything unless members are absent. Comes in handy for when members go on vacation & having quorum for meeting.  He can draft local law for this with board approval. He discussed 2 for planning board and 1 or 2 for zoning board.  Supervisor Volpe added that Wayne has not had a full board since he started.  Councilman Ketcham asked if the planning board was okay with this.  Gary is the liaison he will ask at their next meeting.


MOUNT HOPE FIRE COMPANY:  They are in a meeting.  Someone will be coming in John’s place.


SUMMER RECREATION by Trustee Loeven:

Trustee Loeven reported that summer recreation is moving forward. They are looking to hire 2 assistant directors and counselors.  Ad to go in paper next weekend.  They are to contact town or village for further information.  Info is on village website already. Supervisor Volpe added that it’s on ours, too. Directors applications are due 3/27 and counselors are due by 4/10.


KC Engineering was at old school this Friday.  Supervisor Volpe is hoping for a final report this next Friday.


Supervisor Volpe informed everyone that all restrictions from last year were lifted.