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Town Board Meeting April 5th, 2021

The town board meeting of the Town of Mount Hope Town Board was held at the Mount Hope Town Hall on April 5, 2021 at 7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Chris Furman and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.

OFFICIALS PRESENT: Police Chief P. Rickard, Deputy Chief M. Maresca, Attorney D. Bavoso, Highway Supt. D. Hassenmayer.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.



The legal ad is on the table and a copy of the law was on the table.

Jason Pitingaro, Engineer explained the reason for this public hearing. MS-4 is municipal separate storm sewers. Each year the DEC requires towns, villages & cities that are within an MS-4 to prepare a report that documents what’s been done during the past year as far as stormwater regulated activities. There are a lot of efforts with the highway department and building department to do this. There’s also activities through the planning department where we check everything making sure the plans are in compliance. That’s the basis of the MS-4. It’s required to do each year. We are required to have the public hearing on it in case of comments. There’s recycling programs the town does to help get waste out of the town. There’s all the enforcement efforts the building department makes. There’s the street sweeping and all the cleaning that Dean’s department does. There’s all the checks that Dean’s department does on any permanent stormwater features through out the town. There were no board questions. There were no public questions. Mr. Pitingaro explained there were no major changes from last year. There was a few things that weren’t done this year. There’s probably more stormwater inspections that were done by the building department just because there’s been more construction this year.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Howell to close MS-4 public hearing at 7:36pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


Mr. Pitingaro added that since there was no public comment, it will be finalized tonight and sent to the DEC for their filing and that will be it for this year.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Howell to approve the 2021 MS-4 Stormwater Law as presented and on file in the Town Clerk’s office. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



Supervisor Volpe opened the public hearing at 7:36pm. The legal ad and a copy of the law were available on the desk. The attorney explained the law as it exists now actually requires no matter what the situation that any subdivision greater than 4 lots has to submit at least a sketch plan for conservation subdivision so the planning board can determine which route it wants to go. The change in the law actually sets kind of a default as your standard subdivision but allows 1 – the planning board to require a conservation subdivision proposal if it finds that it is appropriate for that particular area; or 2 – it actually allows the applicant to request the ability to do a conservation subdivision if that’s what they prefer to do. Really, it’s adding a little bit of discretion at the sketch plan stage. It’s meant to be at the very beginning so you’re not changing course when you are further on in the application. It will not affect our open space. The board members had no questions.  MaryBeth Horzepa, planning board member, would like to see this revision of the conservation law put in to place as would the planning board. Requiring the sketch puts the burden on the applicant that may or may not want to do a conservation subdivision they don’t feel is appropriate for the location. There’s 1 possibly 2 that are waiting on the outcome of this public hearing as to which way they need to go. The attorney added as a note, because this is a change to the zoning law, it is subject to a 239 review. It’s been sent to the county. They still have time to respond however, he doesn’t have a problem with the board adopting this subject to the county response.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Furman to close public hearing for proposed LOCAL LAW #1-2021 ENTITLED AMENDING THE ZONING LAW RE: CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS at 7:40pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Jennings to adopt Local Law #1-2021 entitled: AMENDING THE ZONING LAW RE: CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS as presented subject to comments from the Orange County Dept. of Health. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Furman that the minutes of the March 15, 2021 meeting are accepted as submitted. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



  1. T/O Wallkill ZBA public hearing notice for 4-12-2021 re: OYA Van Burenville Rd LLC SBL 21-1-51
  2. T/O Wallkill ZBA public hearing notice for 3-8-2021 re: OYA Van Burenville Rd LLC SBL 21-1-51
  3. Road Closing Notice from OC DPW re: Brola Road effective 4-12-2021 for 124 days
  4. Highway dept. 4-1-2021 bid opening minutes for spring/fall trash days
  5. Memo from H’way Supt. re: furnace replacement in highway garage
  6. Memo from H’way Supt. re: replacing 2 dump body replacements
  7. Complaint received 3-29-2021 re: Suburban Excavating on Route 211 West



Attorney D. Bavoso: updated the board on Howells Cemetery. The maps were filed last week. He hopes to have a closing before the end of the month. He updated the board that as the board is aware and without getting in to too many details because it’s executive session material, the potential buyer for the Shoddy Hollow Road property came back with a provision they wanted added to the contract. The board asked me to go back and say ‘no, we won’t add it’. The attorney for the buyer told him he would talk to his client and get back to our attorney and he hasn’t heard from him yet. He will follow later this week.

Councilman Howell reported on the Brola Road closure starting April 12 for 124 days. It’s near Meyer Road near Korn’s campground. The T/O Wallkill has some employment opportunities available. You can get the info on their website: 3 positions are available: wastewater treatment plant operator, automotive mechanic and automotive mechanic helper. He thanked all involved for the Easter parade: police department, Otisville fire, Howells Fire, everyone involved from the town, the Easter Bunny for making the trip out to see all of our residents. The police chief has mentioned that his heating/cooling system needs to be updated. The fire extinguishers needed updating at the senior & youth centers. It’s been taken care of. He noted that April is National Volunteers month. He thanked all volunteers in our community.

Councilman Jennings thanked everyone that participated in the parade. Comments on facebook were good. He thanked the police dept., Howells fire & Otisville fire for driving the Easter Bunny around. Planning board meeting is April 21. Village re-org meeting is April 15th. The C-field is getting a fence replaced by Ketcham Fencing. Otisville Correctional Facility is holding a recruitment event this Friday & Saturday for correction officers and other departments. Our next meeting is April 19th at 7:30.

Councilman Furman thanked everyone for the parade: fire companies and police department for the parade. Hidden Valley & Thistle lane had an emergency repair done. Pipes are in the ground. 2 pumps should be here this week. The week of April 12th they’ll be doing work at the sewer treatment plant. The burn ban is in effect through May 15. There is no ZBA meeting this month. He informed the board that he’s been working on a local law for the protection of the 2nd amendment. He will send copies to board members and David.  He feels very strongly about this.

Councilman Carey thanked everyone for the parade. Great turnout. Facebook comments re: streets they didn’t go down.  This is a long process of 2 ½-3 hours. Add your street to facebook and we will add it for next year. Facebook page has 1766 followers. Clean-up is April 14-24. He hopes residents take advantage of it. He spoke re: rentals that are regulars. He’d like to know if the regulars can be given an access card to get into the facilities instead of coming to town hall every week. For civic organizations, why can’t they be given 2-3 cards per organization? Discussion ensued.  The Town Clerk added that years ago it became a problem with regular groups having keys to get in and just going in the senior center whenever they wanted. She had a party, personally, and in the middle of her party a senior came in and went in to the kitchen looking for her fruit salad that she thought she left there. There were other people having functions and other groups were coming in to go in the basement and interrupting the function. Discussion ensued regarding magnetic signs that were put at the youth center saying there is a function in progress. We need some for the senior center. Supervisor Volpe would rather, if multiple cards are issued per organization, that each card gets assigned to a person not just the organization name. He wants the person to know that they’re responsible for that card – you give it to no one; for accountability. Councilman Carey spoke re: youth center parking signs and police parking only signs. Chief Rickard added that some officers were also asking for police parking signs since no one knows where to park when there is an event at the youth center. After discussion, the board agreed to 2 access cards per organization.



The attorney added, the only real change is to the application. An organization already has to have a point person that is responsible for the application and organization. You can put in a blurb, that they are also responsible for anyone using the key card issued – they can request multiples up to 2-3. He suggests adding language saying: ‘This individual assumes responsibility for all other use of key cards by members of the organization.’



Supt. Hassenmayer reported on the trash bids opening. He only received one bid from Middletown Carting. He went over the pricing from Middletown Carting. (see attached minutes with prices) He suggests we go with Middletown Carting.  He noted they have a furnace in the front part of the garage that went bad. He received 2 prices for replacement. He recommends Larson’s Heating & Cooling for $9,900.00. He spoke re: replacing 2 dump bodies due to rust. He received 2 quotes for each truck. Truck #4:  Amthor’s $57,524.00 and Reed Systems $55,419.11.  He recommends Reed Systems for this truck.  The 2nd truck, #8 received 2 quotes.  Amthor’s quoted $53,672.00 and Reed Systems quoted $46,109.81.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Howell to approve Middletown Carting for the 2021 spring and fall clean-up as follows:

30 Yard Containers for household bulk (6-30 Yard containers on site)

$160 Per Pull and $94 Per Ton.

40 Yard Containers for mixed metals (2-40 Yard containers on site)

No Charge Per Pull

Will pay Town of Mount Hope $100 Per Ton.

30 Yard containers for tires – no Bid.

Freon units delivered to Middletown Auto Wreckers @$15 each.

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Howell to approve the purchase and installation of a new furnace from Larson’s Heating & Cooling for $9,900.00 to replace the furnace in the highway garage.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Howell to approve the purchase of 2 dump bodies from Reed Systems, LTD for Truck #4 in the amount of $55,419.11 & Truck #8 in the amount of $46,109.81; through the ESCNJ Co-op #65MCESCCPS. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


Supt. Hassenmayer reported that they will start pipe replacements tomorrow. They haven’t taken off all their plows yet but he’s confident that they’ll have them off. They have to put some culvert pipes in Shoddy Hollow Road. He doesn’t have a full schedule of roads to be done this year but he is working on it. His department is down one man for 5 more days. Two others have returned and doing fine.  



Chief Rickard reported the sexual harassment training went well. He reported on the records management system – IMPACT (we pay about $10,000.00/year), will be replaced with NICHE as of 2023. The county will absorb the annual maintenance cost. He spoke re: police reform community engagement team; they met last week with the police foundation. All members have been selected. There’s 1 youth member. He hopes to have the 1st meeting within the next month. In the last month there was 2 overdose deaths in the town. They’ve been working with Hope Not Handcuffs. A concept he is working on is a quick response team which would entail a pure recovery coach that Hope Not Handcuffs would provide to us at no cost. He reported the legislature and the Governor signed the bill to legalize marijuana. He would like to see the town opt out of lounges which would be an on-site consumption within the town. The town has until Dec. 31st to do this. He would like to see the town prohibit smoking both within the park and the police/youth center complex. It would have to be done by a local law. Councilman Howell asked if this proposal would affect what’s already in place for people that use it medically. Chief stated he thinks it changes it with a lot of different factors. Medical marijuana is regulated by county. Supervisor Volpe verified with the attorney that hypothetically the town could opt out but the village could opt in. Attorney: hypothetically – yes. Chief will make the same request to the village.   



Supervisor Volpe received an invite for the town board to participate in the little league parade on April 24.  Line up starts at 9:45am. Parade will start at 10:15am. He’d like to use the leftover Easter candy for this parade.




MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to approve the bills (Abstract #11, #12, #13):


GENERAL A:                  #156-166           $118,210.65

GENERAL B:                  #21-25               $  16,133.08

HIGHWAY:                     #49-54               $  48,096.78

SEWER:                         #20-23               $    4,202.49


GENERAL A:                  #167-177           $    9,134.97

GENERAL B:                  #26                   $       107.02

HIGHWAY:                     #55                   $       532.20


GENERAL A:                  #178-188           $  46,747.71

GENERAL B:                  #28                   $         14.00

HIGHWAY:                     #56-63               $  20,047.64

SEWER:                         #24-27               $  55,219.49

THRALL LIBRARY:          #1                     $    1,990.00.

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



Marybeth Horzepa thanked Chief Rickard for the sexual harassment class. It went very well. Anna did a great job.

Alison Miller spoke re: new marijuana law and agrees that we should get the input of residents. She suggested posting the public hearings on the facebook page. To Chief Rickard she asked if he was able to get people of color on the community engagement team. Chief: yes – Monisha Maldonado will be on the team. She thinks there absolutely should be signs at the police/youth parking lot.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to enter into executive session for a personnel and contractual item with the attorney at 8:34pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to reconvene regular meeting from executive session at 8:58pm.  NO ACTION WAS TAKEN IN THIS EXECUTIVE SESSION.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2nd Councilman Howell to adjourn the meeting at 8:58pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.


The next meeting is scheduled for April 19, 2021 at 7:30pm at Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen A. Myers, RMC

Town Clerk














Town of Mount Hope

Bid Results

Roll-off Dumpster Service/Tire Recycle

Spring/Fall 2021

April 1, 2021

10:00 AM



Kathleen Myers- Town Clerk,

Paula Bird- Deputy Town Clerk,

Dean Hassenmayer Highway Superintendent,

Amy Hassenmayer, Highway Clerk


One bid was received on March 23, 2021 @ 10:00 AM.                                                                        


Middletown Carting LLC                                                  

83-85 Industrial Place Ext.                                              

Middletown NY 10940                                                    

(845)343-5477/ Fax (845)342-9059                            


Proposal for Spring and Fall Cleanup 2021 April 9, 2021 thru April 27, 2021 and October 1, 2021 thru October 19, 2021


30 Yard Containers for household bulk (6-30 Yard containers on site)

$160 Per Pull and $94 Per Ton.


40 Yard Containers for mixed metals (2-40 Yard containers on site)

No Charge Per Pull

Will pay Town of Mount Hope $100 Per Ton.


30 Yard containers for tires – No Bid.


Freon units delivered to Middletown Auto Wreckers @$15 each.



Bid opening closed at 10:02AM 


Respectfully submitted by Paula Bird, Deputy Town Clerk

for Kathleen Myers, Town Clerk RMC