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The town board budget meeting of the Town of Mount Hope was held at the Mount Hope Town Hall on Sept. 10, 2018 at 6:00pm with the following present: Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, (Councilman Brian Carey (entered at 7:00PM) Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Dominick Cambareri and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.
OFFICIALS PRESENT: Police Chief Rickard, H’way Supt. Hassenmayer, Bldg. Insp. Julie Musial, Bldg. Dept. Clerk Heidi Volpe

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Supervisor stated that Councilman Carey is running a little late. Town Clerk noted the public notice was available on the desk for anyone who wants to see it.

Chief Rickard came before the board to discuss his 2019 budget request. He explained the increase in personal services is mainly due to the SRO (school resource officer) cost. The rest is the contractual salaries which is a part of the union agreement. Councilman Jennings asked what SRO is. Chief stated school resource officer. Chief Rickard explained the .2 (equipment) line. They bought a new car this year and the cost was a little less. This reflects the difference between a marked/unmarked car. Looking to replace an 8 year old car. The .4 (contractual) is a slight increase due to a couple additional expenses ie: uniform allowance. Supervisor Volpe explained revenues and the taser purchase. Chief reported that the SRO started last week and is doing well.

Supt. Hassenmayer came before the board. He asked if anyone had questions. He explained that he asked to be bumped up to $80,000 because the workers that are under him with no responsibility are only at $2 less than him now because on the $1.25 raise for the last 3 years. Last year the highest guy was about $8500 behind him. This year he’s about $3300 behind him. He’d like to get the cap built back up between them. He did some comparisons around the county and gave the figures. Councilman Cambareri asked for a copy of what the Supt. had. He asked when they were going to meet with Jason’s partner (Pitingaro & Doetsch). Dean met with him last week. Councilman Cambareri spoke re: MARJAM sending a sales rep up.
Discussion over doors ensued. Supt. Hassenmayer explained the highway accounts increases are 3%. Supervisor Volpe explained that minimum wage is going up next year. Councilman Jennings asked if we can extend the mowing into September. Hassenmayer: most go back to college. Jennings: just an idea. Supervisor Volpe: one issue we ran into a few years ago was Dean tried to keep someone on a little longer. Mowing was done. Then he applied for unemployment and we had to pay him for 6 months. Supervisor added that he would have no problem if Dean wanted to add an extra person or 2. Hassenmayer: some towns hire contractors to do it. Jennings: are you looking to purchase any new vehicles? Hassenmayer: yes, my truck is in need a replacement. The highway trucks are pretty good. GM is coming out with a new series of medium duties. I’d like to get 2. It’s probably gonna be the end of ’19 beginning of ’20 when we get them to replace 4 trucks. They’re like 550/650’s. Would be able to use them year-round. He would replace the 2 big trucks with the 3 & 8 the winter plow trucks and 14 & 15 which are the mason trucks. Get rid of those four and replace them with 2. The wet systems are on the dump trucks. Supt. Hassenmayer explained other accounts. The CHIPS money reflects the amount we got this year. He explained brush/weeds account.
Councilman Jennings asked what brush/weeds is. Supt. explained its roadside mowing and trimming the trees back in the winter. Councilman Howell: if we do make the change to $80,000 as requested, would you see the 2020 projection for your salary back to where it has been the past few years in terms of a dollar value or %? Supt.: as far as the difference between me and the crew? Howell: in terms of let’s say the last 3 years if it was around 3% or 2% or if it was a flat $1,000, do you see that in 2020 going back to..this year it’s 4-41/2%; do you see it going back to something more routine? Supt.: yes. Supervisor Volpe: we are fully funded now for the walking trails. He received the notice today.
Supervisor Volpe explained the comparative salary worksheet. The only real numbers for 2018 are Mount Hope numbers. The other numbers are off the NYS retirement site for 2017 because it hasn’t been reported yet. Looking at that, the highway supt. is not far off if you average them all. He’s down about 3%. He’s actually the closest salary wise. If you look at the bottom, he tried to go with towns that had 5,000-9,000 residents. Board discussed supt. salary request.

BI Musial passed out paperwork to board members. She requested a budget of $82,800. It’s up significantly. She has numbers to show how she arrived at that number. She researched as to how much building inspectors and code enforcement officers make throughout NYS and the country.

On average they make $30/hour. At that estimate at 4o hours/week it would be fulltime it would be $62,400. She outs in about 30 hours/week. It would be $46,800 for her salary if you go by the average. She eliminated Laurie in her position and Adam. Laurie was salary. Adam per diem. We didn’t need Adam this year so far. She is suggesting to send Heidi to train to be code enforcement/building inspector so that she knows/has a better idea of what I do. Then we don’t have to rely on an outside person to come give us coverage. Laurie is not really working out as far as # of hours and getting through the backlog. The training for Heidi is free for the class; if she chose to stay for the classes that might cost. It’s definitely a benefit. She is proposing that they go to salary. If you break it down, it would be $25/hour for Heidi and still do the job she’s doing now: clerk plus be able to help me with code enforcement and closing permits. There are almost 800 open permits when she took the job. Jennings: how many are left? Cambareri: that’s gonna be a several year process. There’s 1,000 building permits issued that were never followed up on. There are houses that people moved in to that had no CO’s. Musial: there were 15 houses with no CO’s. She explained houses that are being sold that have numerous violations. She proposes keeping equipment the same as last year. She is proposing raising the contractual to $8500 for a new computer maintenance program.
Heidi Volpe (Clerk) explained the sheets that were handed to the board members ie: revenues, profit/loss.
Musial: I think that I should be paid & Heidi too at least what the average is for an inspector & code enforcement officer. Pay now is significantly less than what it should be. Next year we’ll have more on our plate due to the new master plan.

**(7:00pm Councilman Carey entered the meeting.)

She spoke of illegal accessory apartments in the town currently. This would bring the illegal ones into compliance. This will increase our workload. Heidi: we were able to get a group of open permits together, sent letters and received about ½ back for compliance. Musial: She wants to put out a mailer next year to let everyone know that the zoning has changed. She asked if anyone had questions. Jennings: what training are you talking about for Heidi? Musial: talking about code enforcement/building inspector training like I have. Laurie was supposed to help me with fire inspector and so was Adam over the last year. They’re not getting done. On our down time we have to fill that in as well. Jennings: is there certain requirements to fill this position? Musial: you have to have the certification through the state. If Heidi gets certified too we can bang those out too. Jennings: how long is the training? Musial: 4 days/week every month for once per month. It would be nice to train her in the down time. Howell: how many hours of the 1040 have you used this year? Heidi: I don’t know. Musial: Heidi’s been doing some extra jobs helping out. She did the newsletter. Jennings: how did you get up to $100,000? Musial: $52,000 is for the solar thing this year for Pierson’s. Discussed solar for next year and sub-divisions.

Supervisor Volpe: more importantly the salaries are the most important piece I need to turn this from a budget workshop in to a preliminary budget. Without the OK from guys for salaries it’s gonna get complicated. He made up 2 cheat sheets. He explained the clerk salaries increases last year to Councilman Jennings. Some starting salaries were changed last year. He referred to the comparable salary worksheet he handed out for the elected officials. Dean is pretty close. Mount Hope is 2018 – every other town is 2017. Dean would be 4 ½% if the board decides to go to $80,000. Town board – I think it’s time to make changes. We are in decent shape. It’s not a lot of money. Building department: Deerpark, Goshen, Hamptonburgh have 2 people. All other have one fulltime that does both. Town clerk is about 10% lower than all of the comps in here. Supervisor really varies. Councilman Carey asked about the starting salary for someone new compared to someone from another town – how do you know how long they were there? Supervisor does not know. We adjusted a lot last year but I think we’re still off. We still need to adjust some other ones. Carey: from the 3 departments that came in and knowing their numbers, how will that affect your overall budget? Supervisor: I’ve got a little bit of room – I would have to pan them all out. I don’t like increases. There’s a few hot ticket items that I’m sure can be adjusted out of the budget. He’d like a zero % increase. He doesn’t micro-manage Dean. Once we agree on numbers, I’ll give you a new packet next week. With all of Dean’s accounts all the .1’s had an average of 3% except for summer guys which was about 3 ½% because of the dollar raise next time. He went over bridges, unallocated insurance (4 ½% increase), general repairs, improvements (also see in revenue), brush/weeds, snow removal, medical/ social security from NYS. He went over revenues for highway. Councilman Cambareri asked if there’s a projection for the highway guys in their contract. Supervisor: was hoping for a 3-2-3-2. Discussion over dollar amount vs. percentage. He asked about board thoughts for the highway request. Board was fine with highway accounts.

Supervisor next discussed building department. He noted that the revenues are up and he’s proud the revenues are up. He doesn’t want to base everything on how much they went up. Building dept. is very busy. He would be ok with having an additional person in there. He tried band-aiding it with Laurie & Adam but they both have fulltime jobs. He made it very clear to Julie that he wasn’t doing FT with benefits. Councilman Carey: what’s the major difference if they went FT? Supervisor: the benefits are the most. We can hover at 32 hours without offering benefits. Anything above that – legally you have to.
Supervisor: he discussed comp time and working more than 32 hours. He thinks the number is kind of high; he would like to see $42-43,000. Carey: how many hours? Supervisor: would like to go to the max then negotiate internally vacation time. Councilman Howell understands the explanation with eliminating the 2 per diem people but because how busy you’re projecting things to get in the next year or 2. He talked about getting someone else in the position to work on just the backlog. Supervisor discussed getting someone in per diem and have them sign in/out. He suggested adding Adam. Councilman Carey brought up that Adam may not be able to do this because he ran for judge – he may have to wait a year. He knows the numbers are up for the building department but one thing that hasn’t been touched is the people that have junk in their yards. Certain laws that are on the books are not being enforced because we are doing everything else. If we do what they’re asking, how will this affect what happens in the future – who will write violations to people? Supervisor: I’m going to have somebody around a couple hours a week going out and looking at things. I will touch on this later. He suggested a per diem position with $2,000 solely for the backlog. Jennings: what is the cost for the training? Supervisor: nothing. It’s given by NYS. Depending on where you take the class it could be $0-$50/class. If it’s given by the building inspectors association as long as we are a member (which we are) – it’s free. If NYS gives it – it’s $50/class. 6 classes, 3 classes for each position. It’s tier 1, tier 2 tier 3 building inspector. Each class is 26 hours. Then code enforcement. The most it could cost is $600 for training. When Julie went there was nothing close and there was $1500-$1600 hotel fees. He recommends $41,000-$44,000. His (recommendation) will be $43,000 – based off the averages; plus having another inspector. Supervisor explained page 11 to the board. He explained a little of the BAS building inspector program. Discussion on building inspectors salaries from other towns. Carey: when Julie was put in that position, we had no idea we would be where we are at today. He doesn’t have a problem with what she is asking for. Adding someone else, is gonna help tremendously. By not putting her FT, I don’t have a problem with what she’s asking for. Jennings: big jump. Don’t want to give full amount. Between $41-43,000 I’d be happy with. Cambareri: Agrees with Brian & Jim; but he’d be comfortable with $43,000. That’s a huge jump in one year. Supervisor: works with Julie everyday. He agrees with $43,000. Howell: thinks $42,000 and leave $2,000 for per diem person. Cambareri: last year was just under $33,916. Jennings: would be happy with $42,000. Cambareri: $43,000/$42,500 and $2,000 for per diem. Supervisor: ok $42,500. Supervisor left the room so the board members could discuss Heidi’s position. Board discussed Heidi’s position. She can only work 1040 hours. Jennings: she’s not certified yet. Carey: we can make a stipulation that once she’s certified this is what she’d go to. She would be certified by the end of 2018. This is 2019’s budget. Cambareri: it wouldn’t be by the 1st of the year because it’s too long of a course. I know we are trying to get them up to standard; that’s a huge jump. Carey: eventually it’s gonna be a huge jump no matter what way you do it. Howell suggested doing the jump over 2 or 3 years so it’s not such a huge jump 8% or 9%. If they do 25% for Heidi (like Julie’s) it would make her salary $18,200. Supervisor came back. Howell explained that to get to Julie’s amount ($42,500) is approx. 25% using that same number for Heidi would be $18,200 and phasing it in over 3 years so it’s not a 25% hit on year one. Cambareri: if we’re bumping Julie 25% he has no problem bumping Heidi 25%. Supervisor may catch flack on this. Percentage wise it’s a huge amount – dollar wise it’s not. He is comfortable with $20-21,000 for Heidi. Carey: doesn’t have a problem with what they are asking for. Howell: $42,500 for Julie and $18,200 for Heidi. Jennings: between $19-20,000. Supervisor she has 18 month to get certified once the board appoints her. She can’t get the position until the board appoints that position. He also noted that when Dean and Amy go on vacation it leaves the highway dept. with a deputy highway supt. who doesn’t always call anyone back. He will have Julie/Heidi cover for the highway dept. 2 hours/day every day Dean and Amy are away. Discussion on increase of hours. Cambareri is comfortable with $21,000. Supervisor: 32 hours at $20,000 is only $12.01/hour. Full amount Julie asked for Heidi would be $15.62/hour. Howell: $21,000. Supervisor: $12.62/hour at $21,000. If she doesn’t take the position she goes to $15/hour anyway at the 1st of year. Howell: agrees on $23,400/$23,500. Jennings: comfortable with $25,000 at 30 hours/week.

Supervisor next spoke re: buildings. He would like to have Cory do the cleaning for all the buildings. Proposes $25/meeting per each planning board member as a stipend (including alternates). And $25/meeting stipend for ZBA members for attended meetings.
Supervisor has a goal of September 2019 to be in the new Community Youth Center.
Supervisor spoke re: dog park. Across from barn in open field, he’d like to put walking trails in and put up “dogs allowed” signs and dog waste signs. No fence. This keeps them away from all the kids park activities. Councilman Carey noted the dog issues at park and no enforcement by DCO. He’d like to hear from the village about any dog issues at their park.
Supervisor noted the youth center again. $425,000 we have already. We just spent $100,00 and a lot has been done to it. The additional walking trails next to Devan’s Gate is about 3.5-4.5 acres. He would like to add benches and a small pavilion there. We estimated $14,000 to do it. He has $17, 500 fully funded. He further discussed talking with Assessor about having Cory do the data collecting for that office. He would do 2-5 hours/week as data collector.
Supervisor next spoke re: putting an addition on the town hall after the youth center is done. He’d like to see a cold room added to have all files kept in. In 2020, possibly make building inspector office as a town board member office with 4 desks & that’s where executive sessions would take place. We are out-growing town hall. 102
Supervisor next spoke re: tax collector position. He would like to bring it up for a vote early next year to eliminate the tax collector position. It can be done by board resolution and needs to be done 150 days prior to an election.
This year we did not meet with justices. Their numbers are really low. About 4 years ago the court cost us about $1,000/week. It got a little better last year. This year we are on track for a loss of $950/week. Tickets have increased almost 100%. Speed trailer has paid for itself. Revenue for court has gone down. He doesn’t want it to be a cash cow. We could sub some of the stuff out, eliminate one justice or eliminate both justices. Not looking to do it this year. Carey: asked about a special prosecutor. He’s been here at least 4 years. What does he say about it? Supervisor: he gets paid $200 per traffic night. Howell: why don’t we get money out of someone as they come through the door? The state gives a range. They got guidelines to follow through the court. They’re not making any changes. Discussion on court fees. Supervisor: if the tax collector spot is eliminated, it’s a board resolution. The resolution is read and voted on. If the ‘ayes” get it – it is dissolved and there is no permissive referendum. On eliminating one or both justices; it is subject to permissive referendum under NYS law. If the public thought we made the wrong move, the public could get enough signatures to force a vote. He has no problem with either justices, but we shouldn’t be losing $1,000/week. Cambareri is all for subbing it out to Wallkill, Greenville, Bloomingburg. Supervisor would like to possibly implement a standard court charge or $25. He will talk with David.
Supervisor would like to put the board at $8,000. It can always be changed.
Supervisor would like to see town clerk’s changed to be more competitive with what’s out there. Carey: if when the tax collector is eliminated, where will it go? Supervisor: it will go to town clerk’s office by law. Having Paula as a deputy and looking at the hours Linda has now – but the hours for tax collection could be set by the town clerk and he would recommend setting those when she has a 2nd set of hands. Paula is usually here Monday through Friday. Maybe for the 8 weeks taxes are collected she could be here Monday through Friday. He would recommend allotting extra hours for Paula. Howell asked if taxes can be paid by credit card. Supervisor: you can but he was told by 2 people that they were told they couldn’t. All you need is the website and needs to be linked to her account. He doesn’t know if Linda ever set anything up with Angie. He would like to see the town clerk position go up to $48,000. Carey: how will that effect that salary, will there be a stipend, if/when the tax collector position is eliminated. Supervisor if tax collection goes away – it will happen for 2020. That would have to be looked at next year. His goal would be to have a 2nd person there. Board agreed to $48,000.
Next discussion was for supervisor salary. Supervisor left room. Board discussed bookkeeper salary. Comparison with percentages for supervisor salary. Cambareri would like to see supervisor at $30,000. Howell: $30,000. Jennings: $30,000.
Supervisor would like to do a stipend for the deputy supervisor at $500.
Name for the pool building will be the “Town of Mount Hope Community Center”.
Discussion on Angie’s breakdown: she is the bookkeeper, confidential secretary to the supervisor, she works for Assessor and planning board. She received a $300 stipend for the nights of registration for summer rec. He pays her personally for the work she does on the budget.
Carey: asked about paving the gravel parking area at the town park & could we apply jointly with the village to get that parking lot paved. Supervisor asked if the fair is to be moved to 4H. Jennings: there’s no contract that he knows of. Supervisor likes the guard rail at the park.

MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Jennings to adjourn the meeting at 9:50pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 17, 2018 at 7:30pm at Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Myers, RMC
Town Clerk