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Town of Mount Hope Town Board Meeting July 1, 2019

The town board meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at the Mount Hope Town Hall on July 1, 2019 at 7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Chris Furman and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.

OFFICIALS PRESENT:  Mike Maresca: Deputy Police Chief, D. Bavoso: Attorney, D. Hassenmayer: Highway Supt.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30pm & asked audience to silence cell phones.



Supervisor Volpe opened the public hearing at 7:30pm following the Pledge of Allegiance. He noted the ad from the Times Herald Record was on the table along with copies of the proposed law. Attorney Bavoso explained the need for the law. It’s a law permitting BINGO in the Town of Mount Hope. BINGO is governed by General Municipal Law but also the gaming authorities in NYS. It requires a mandatory referendum. After confirming with Association of Towns, as long as this law is adopted at least 60 days before the general election, then the mandatory referendum can be done at the general election. This law would have to be adopted before September 1st.  It does require permits/fees to be determined from time to time by resolution of this board. This doesn’t mean the board sets a particular fee for every event – it means that they can make a set fee and they don’t have to pass a local law to change that fee. In 5 years, if the cost to administer this increases, then the board can make a blanket change to it. If you adopt this law this evening, then you’d be adopting it subject to a mandatory referendum. Supervisor Volpe asked the board members had any questions. There were none. He asked the audience if anyone had questions. Mrs. Maurizzio asked what type of fees would be involved to be charged by the town. Atty. Bavoso: there isn’t a set fee across the board – the fee is based on whatever work the municipality is putting into it. If it’s taking time to process by the clerk’s office, it’s commensurate with that amount of time. Maurizzio: would it involve the clerk’s time? Bavoso: it’s a permit application like anything else. Ms. Loeven: under the application for the license, it references the application and the form prescribed and rules & regs., will there be a standard application that the town has? Bavoso: yes, the idea was that I will put that together after the referendum to make sure it passes. When that happens – I will be happy to put that together with the help of the clerk to make sure it is workable for her and not too onerous.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2ndCouncilman Howell to close public hearing at 7:35pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2ndCouncilman Furman to approve the proposed Local Law (2019) To Establish A New Chapter In The Town Code Of The Town of Mount Hope Governing BINGO subject to a mandatory referendum to be held at the next general election.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2ndCouncilman Jennings that the minutes of the June 17, 2019 meeting are accepted as submitted. All in favor: Howell, Volpe, Jennings, Carey, Jennings; carried.



  1. Copy of Proposed Local Law #1-2019 entitled ‘Amendment to the Parking Restrictions Contained in Chapter 238 of the Town Code in the Town of Mount Hope’ to set public hearing
  2. Resignation letter from Police Officer Michael Hayes: effective July 15, 2019
  3. Request from Court Clerk’s to attend free training July 25, 2019 9:30-3:30 @ Orange County Courthouse
  4. Complaint received re: off of Winnetaska Road
  5. Budget modification from Supervisor’s office
  6. Fireworks application from Otisville Lions Country Fair to be held on August 11, 2019
  7. Public hearing notice for ‘Determination of Public Need Kiryas Joel Volunteer EMS to be held 7/18/2019 from 11-1
  8. Orange County Health Dept. camp inspection summary report from July 1, 2019


  1. Impound report from Palmer’s Ark for June 2019
  2. Flyer for Caffeine & Octane fundraiser on July 27, 2019, 8am-11am, at the Old School Community Center
  3. Copy of letter from NYS DEC to C/O Middletown re: C/O Middletown Water System Response on Water Withdrawal Permit Condition re: Mill Pond & Indigot Creek



Councilman Jennings reported there’s no village meeting this week due to July 4thholiday. Town planning board meets July 17, 2019 at 7pm. At the last planning board meeting there was discussion of possibly a new law for independent battery storage. Atty. Bavoso: I had prepared it for Julie; I didn’t know it was discussed at the planning board. In a couple other municipalities we are seeing independent battery storage as a use on a property. IE: someone taking a pole barn and renovate it and it will collect solar or alternative energy and store it until there’s a down moment. It’s independent because there would be no energy collection on the actual property basically it’s just a warehouse full of batteries. Julie is concerned there may be 1 or 2 popping up. The model I put together is from NYSERDA law – scaled down. Councilman Jennings reported that he received a quote of $12,000 to install the playground.  He didn’t know if the highway guys could do it maybe as a fall project. Dean: it’s worth our while to do it.  

Councilman Furman reported there is no ZBA meeting this month. Football league is here to talk a little bit later. Sign-ups went well they have more kids than previous years.

Councilman Careyreported the concert series starts tomorrow night for the next 8 weeks at the park 7-8:30. At little league on Sunday, someone called 911 because there was a couple kids that decided to fly out of the park at some crazy speed. He would like to see an officer hang out there during the games. He was there Sunday but didn’t see it happen. It was packed there.

Councilman Howellreported that last meeting the Police Chief had an update with the parking restrictions. He wanted to thank the Chief for following through. 4H annual showcase is July 26-29 at the 4H grounds. There will be different shows and events. Councilman Carey: this will be posted after community day. Councilman Howell added the youth center is coming along. The framing contractor is making good progress. Summer rec department of health inspection was clear. There are 2 items of paperwork we have to fax to them. We will send them what they asked for. We are ready to open camp next week.

Supervisor Volpe thanked everyone who has stepped up to help with summer rec. Kathleen is pretty much a pro at it now.  There’s a lot that goes into it behind the scenes. The packet he handed everyone is correspondence from the NYS DEC to the C/O Middletown regarding Indigot Creek and the stipulation that DEC is looking for. Doesn’t look like anything is happening yet. He asked Dean how the septic is looking. Dean: the 2 tanks were installed last Friday and plumbed. We started the leach field today. We probably won’t get back to it until next week at this point. Trusses on the new addition will be set Wednesday morning. About 200’ of water line was put in last week.



Supt. Hassenmayer reported that there are cameras that are outdated/obsolete/not working and possibly if we had cameras on these entrances to the park, we could catch this car that left. He’s asked Brian (Carey) to put together a quote. This will involve moving some underground wires too. The 4H has asked him about the barn. The roof is leaking and it’s affecting the upstairs. He couldn’t answer because he’s not sure if they own and we lease it from them. Supervisor explained the way the lease is – the way the sale went through, they technically own the building but it’s ours to use for eternity. Dean: who does maintenance? Supervisor: I’d have to ask David. Attorney will have to take a look at it.

H’way Supt. reported that our mining permit was filed with the DEC beginning of June. It expired the end of June. They kicked it back to the engineers because it had some questions – fairly minor stuff but it was all resubmitted last week to the DEC. At this point, we’re not mining there until September anyway.

He reported he received a letter from DEC about bulk petroleum inspection. He’s heard they are going around finding new regulations that people didn’t know about. We have that to worry about.

Supervisor Volpe asked Dean if he’s heard anything about the striping yet? Supt.: no. We put both nets up because he didn’t get a response from the company. At least people can go play pickle ball. He doesn’t know if we should paint some basic lines. He thinks we should re-bid.  



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2ndCouncilman Carey to allow highway supt. to go to bid for striping for the tennis and basketball courts and to advertise for bid opening 10:00am July 29, 2019. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Furman, Jennings; carried.



H’WAY Supt. spoke re: town owned property, SBL 6-1-25 (Shoddy Hollow Road). It’s 3 ½ acres of road front property. It does the town no good to own it. It’s where there used to be a house right on the edge of the road. We bought it so we could tear down the house so sight would be better. Last year we tore down the barn that was falling apart. He suggested we think about marketing that. He thinks it was surveyed once. Supervisor suggests we do it and get it back on the tax rolls. Attorney asked how it was acquired.



H’way Supt.: it was a sale. We bought it. It included other lots. The big part of it connects to the town property here to the town gravel bank. But this is all road front property.  Supervisor will look in to this.  



Deputy Chief Maresca acknowledged Mike Hayes resignation and he will be missed. He asked about the little league and if there was damage – or just a concern for safety. Councilman Carey: speed. Deputy Chief will have officers make check-ins through there.



Trustee Loeven reported the village yard sale is 8-3-19. They had their 1stmeeting today. They will meet again 7-16-19. She will let PD know so they can have a representative there. They do need assistance on the morning of August 3rd, between 7am & 9am it’s very hectic down at the park while we are getting everybody in. She and Ike will not be available that day. They need a couple volunteers for a couple hours in the morning. As soon as they get the fliers, she will get one to Kathleen for the website.

She spoke re: permit for senior center spoken about at last meeting. She asked Supervisor if he received her email with their contract. He did not. She will send again.

She spoke re: playground equipment installation. The village ran in to the same thing. The main reason they went with having it installed by the company was for warranty reasons.

She congratulated FOTOS on their success with the clothing event at the school. It was a wonderful thing and they hope it will happen again.



Supervisor Volpe reported we have 85 kids registered so far.



Supervisor asked board members if they had ideas. Councilman Howell thinks it is straightforward. The expectation is you put back the park the way you took it and you get your dollar value back. Like Chad explained, if you do what we ask in terms of restoring the park to its condition, it’s not like we’re cashing the check and you gotta wait until it gets mailed back to you. It’s a little bit of insurance on both of our ends. Councilman Carey added that he believes the reason we are at this point is because there were issues in the past. Supervisor: this will be my 6thyear here and in 6 years we’ve had events down there. We had one event where the town ended up getting named in a suit from an event that wasn’t ours. 3 years ago Dean re-did the football lot and that year one of the rides caught on fire and it took 9 months to get our money so I don’t think $500 is too big of a request. The check doesn’t have to be cashed. $500 would cover 2 highway guys for the day in the event that it wasn’t done in a timely fashion. Councilman Carey wanted to make the motion to charge $500 security deposit. Councilman Furman doesn’t agree with it. Are we charging other people that are gonna rent the park the same? Councilman Carey stated no one rents the park for 4 days. Nobody. Furman: Does anyone rent for the day? Councilman Howell: they can rent it through Dean’s office. Furman: is there a deposit of $500 for anyone that rents it? Supervisor: if they want the whole park. Carey: I think if the moon festival ever decided to come back here from Deerpark, obviously what’s good for one would have to be good for the other. Furman still disagrees. He doesn’t see that $500 is gonna do anything. He believes that the Lions Club, if there was ever a major issue, could sit down as adults and get it corrected. Carey: I’d like to agree with that but we’ve had problems in the past. Howell: like Brian said there was 3 separate instances in 3 separate years and that’s why we are at this point. Councilman Jennings: I have no comment because I am a Lions Club member.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2ndSupervisor Volpe to charge $500 refundable security deposit to the Otisville Lions for the country fair.  All in favor: Carey, Howell, Volpe; NAY: Furman; ABSTAIN: Jennings; motion carried.

**Attorney Bavosowill put together an agreement.



Supervisor Volpe asked the attorney to go over this. Attorney Bavoso explained that it is not the tickets themselves. He and the Chief were looking through the law and the police department for the town is empowered to enforce both state and town parking regulations. As they stand, there are no late fees attached to tickets within the town, whether it be a ticket issued by state law or local law. The Chief was looking at other municipalities, we ended up largely modeling it after what Port Jervis does which is to say that if the fine is not paid within 30 days, it is doubled. If not paid within 60 days, the ticket is tripled. If not paid within 90 days, it continues to be tripled. And then there’s $20/day fee on top of that. That’s the largest alteration to the parking law. D. Loeven asked if this addresses tickets issued in the village. Attorney: I’d have to look in to it. Ultimately, it would affect the entire town, so if they can write a ticket in the village as well then it would apply to that. Loeven: by state law, though, does the fee collected go to the village if it is on the village law?                                                                       



Attorney: I’d have to check with the court. Not 100% sure on that. I would assume it is adjudicated in Otisville? Loeven: we don’t have our own court. Attorney: it would likely be going to the town then. He will check on this.



MOTION offered Councilman Furman 2ndCouncilman Howell to schedule a public hearing on July 15, 2019 at 7:30pm for proposed Local Law #1-2019 entitled: Amendment to the Parking Restrictions Contained in Chapter 238 of the Town Code of the Town of Mount Hope. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried. 

**Councilman Howell addedwhen he spoke to the Chief a couple days ago & like David said, he wants to get everything done in terms of the updated tickets – what we currently have used wasn’t approved by the state – right David? Attorney: yes & it’s happening all over the state. Howell: this way when we make the update with everything – it will all be done at 1 time & not piece-mealed. Attorney: because when you order the tickets you have to do it in bulk so you’re ordering a few thousand and doing it that way.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2ndCouncilman Jennings to accept the resignation from Police Officer Michael Hayes effective July 15, 2019. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.



MOTION offered by Councilman Carey 2ndCouncilman Howell to approve the modification:

Increase A4089 Other General Govt. Aid by $71,348.41

Increase A1620.4 Buildings Contr. by $71,348.41    AND

Increase A4089 Other General Govt. Aid by $24,443.48

Increase A1620.4 Buildings Contr. by $24,443.48. (Grant money reimbursed)

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried. 



Keith Roloson spoke re: fence around football field. He is president of MV football and we use the town football field. The OC youth football league and the state of NY mandate that we have a physical barrier around the football field for the safety of the children. For the past 10 or so years, we have these plastic green posts with yellow pea-line ropes that create that barrier that keeps spectators away from the children.

No one is allowed inside of that fence line without a background check done – a national background check- completed and they must wear a badge to identify that they have been background checked. The ropes work, they get knocked down. We would like to propose installing a wooden fence – like a split-rail fence. He has drawings to leave with the board. It will give a better barrier. It kind of fits the park better visually. It is essential for the safety of the children. Our enrollment is growing as far as football and cheer. We would like to go with a split rail fence from the far end zone away from the park, down both sides and then close in the side where our concession stand is. We would leave 10 foot open on both corners in case we have to get an ambulance in there and also access for players/coaches. Councilman Carey asked if he had a picture of what the fence would look like. Roloson: he doesn’t have one with him.  Councilman Carey asked Dean if this is the same as what is around the pavilion. Dean: there’s different types. Roloson: we spoke with Rob from Ketcham Fencing and it would be 2 posts with 2 horizontal rails. They would also like to put sponsorship signs up to get some money like the little league does. If you request we take them down at the end of the season – that’s fine. That would allow us to fundraise and give us a little money. He spoke re: games bringing people to our town. Supervisor: will this interfere (to Dean)? Dean: with fence and the prior board, they didn’t want a permanent fence. But it will add more maintenance – more weed-whacking. I don’t know what you have in mind on the ends but down the sides it’s definitely more work. Roloson: the far end zone we leave open because that’s where the ambulance is. So it would be the end zone closest to the concession stand.  The barn end would be open. Dean: He would like to see it expand whether it’s connected to your stand or we build a building with bathrooms. It’s needed. He’d like to see electric & the only electric is at the football shed. There should be a plan before we go further. We need restrooms on that end of the park. The shed is not a permanent structure, right, the shed? Roloson: correct. Dean: running water? Roloson: no. Supervisor: is the fence going to be professionally put in? Roloson: Rob Ketcham would be assisting; we are trying to keep the cost down with volunteers. We are purchasing the fence and working with Rob to get it installed. Dean: I’m sure you know you have underground power for all your lights. Roloson: yes. We would go in the same area. Councilman Jennings asked if the fence would affect fireworks. Councilman Carey asked how community day or fireworks would affect the football field. Jennings: the fence. Carey: how would that affect it? Supervisor: it won’t affect it at all because the blast spot is behind there. You’re gonna get paper and debris no matter what. Carey: how many games do you have for the year? Roloson: we have 4-5 weekends and there are 3-4 games per day. There could be upwards of 20 games plus playoffs.



Roloson: If you guys could discuss it – either way we could put the ropes back up. I just wanted to give a better visual to the field and allow local businesses to sponsor. Dean: the signs need to come down at the end of the season because the wind howls down there. Little league signs have been in the road at the end of a storm. He requested that the town be named in your insurance and we need a copy here at the town before the scrimmages start in August. We need a game schedule. Roloson: my commitment to all of you is to work together to give you what you need. He appreciates Chris coming to their monthly meetings. Supervisor asked if the board would want to meet up there. The board agreed they are ok with it. Roloson: we would do a call before we dig. The fence is offset about 20’. Most fields we play at are chain-linked fence and I don’t think it fits your décor at the park. Carey: Ketcham Fence did a great job for us 2 years with the fence around the pavilion and Rob is involved. You’re in great hands. Mrs. Maurizzio asked if the split rail fence would be a sufficient barrier. Roloson: The rules were set by Orange County & the state says we have to have some kind of barrier for the adults. Anyone over age of 18 has to have a special background check completed.  I have to have the badge on to go behind the fence to be near your child. Deputy Chief Maresca: it’s more of a deterrent.  Supervisor: the recommendation of the board will be to call before you dig and mark it with spray paint then get a hold of Dean and he gives the green light – I think the board is very supportive. Howell: Dean mentioned the bathrooms – a new set of bathrooms at that end of the park – do you think based on the distances would be from the field would have any hindrance on that Dean? Dean: no, I think if we did bathrooms – personally I would like to see snack shed/bathrooms kind of like the little league – a permanent structure. Roloson: August 17, we have the opportunity to host the Mighty Mites scrimmage day from 8:30-9 to maybe 1:00pm. That will involve approx. 10 school districts coming to our field. We would to get approval. Supervisor: how many people? Roloson: parents? 150-200 maybe. Supervisor: do you think there will be a parking issue? Roloson: no. Dep. Chief: do you see any security issues? Roloson: no. He will have insurance certificate to you before the end of July. Board did not have problem with this. Roloson: I heard you talking about the cameras at the park – we do have full power at that concession stand; I’m pretty sure we have open breakers in our panel box. If you’re interested in throwing some cameras facing the road, facing the parking lot on our concession stand – I’d like to offer that to you. Power stays on year round.  Carey: I happen to know a guy that does cameras. You don’t have internet up there. The major issue is internet is key in order to watch it. Roloson: if you want to put a WIFI box up there, you can use our electric.



MOTION offered Councilman Jennings 2ndCouncilman Howell to allow Court Clerk Lisa Bacigalupo and Court Clerk Fran Heppes to attend two sessions of training at the Orange County Courthouse in Goshen NY, July 25, 2019 from 9:30-3:30. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.



MOTION offered Councilman Carey 2ndCouncilman Furman to allow the Otisville Country fair to have a fireworks show on August 11, 2019 and the Town of Mount Hope to have fireworks on Community Day July 20, 2019 (raindate July 21, 2019).  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.

**Councilman Careyasked if we have all the paperwork in for this. Supervisor: yes.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2ndCouncilman Carey to approve the following bills (Abstract 15 & Abstract 16):

GENERAL A:                 #375-397           $17,184.87

HIGHWAY:                    #94                   $13,166.10

SEWER:                         #54-56               $     445.42 AND

GENERAL A:                  #398-416           $51,634.42

HIGHWAY:                     #95-97               $     907.67

SEWER:                        #57                   $     101.37.                   

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.



Supervisor Volpe spoke re: hold harmless agreement for Pizza Mania for his trailer. David did the agreement for last year. He does our event on the 20thand then he does the 4H then he comes back. Supervisor asked the attorney to update it for this year. 



Alison Miller on behalf of FOTOS and the old school community center, she thanked the entire community for their support for the recent clothing drive. It was a tremendous success. We counted around 60 families. We will consider having another one.

She spoke re: CAFFEINE & OCTANE, a cars & coffee event on 7/2719, 8-11am, in the parking lot of the old school. Free for everyone. Bring your car. They’ll have coffee and some refreshments for sale. No trophies.



Mary Maurizzio didn’t hear answer for the leaking roof at the 4H. Attorney has to look at the agreement again. She clarified the vote for the Lions security $500. Chris was NAY, Jim abstained. She asked how insurance works when the Lions are on town property. Lawsuits were mentioned and she knows of one. She doesn’t know the outcome. DO the Lions insure the town? Supervisor: correct. Traditionally in a lawsuit they grasp at everything. Even if we have insurance, the town is going to be sued. It will start with the particular organization then it will be the Town of Mount Hope, Village of Otisville, County of Orange, State of New York. She asked if the 3 lawsuits were won/lost/settled. Councilman Howell:  there were 3 incidents. Councilman Carey: you can FOIL it from the town clerk’s office. Maurizzio: will the board be seeking to interview other applicants for the building inspector clerk position between now and the end of August while Deb Taylor is acting as a temporary? Supervisor: yes. She stated if Deb is hired permanently, that’s okay too. She knows it was done in executive session last meeting. Supervisor: no, we did it after executive session. Maurizzio: I know your wife, Heidi, there are circumstances; she was the clerk. Will she be taking a new position in September? Supervisor: she took a new position in January of this year. Maurizzio: as? Supervisor: an additional building inspector. Maurizzio: she’s already doing that. Who is acting as clerk? Is she doing that too? Supervisor: yes. Councilman Carey advised her 3 minutes were up.  

Diane Loeven: So that I am clear as to what was asked- you are looking for a new building department clerk? Supervisor: we are looking for somebody 5 hours/week on Monday nights. We’re looking for somebody that can potentially be flexible it seems like Monday nights the person would be here considering the building department is open Monday nights until 8:30. Maurizzio: it could end up wind up to be Deb depends on the qualifications of the applicant including her. Supervisor: we went back to the applications that we put an ad in the paper. Not a lot of people want to work 5 hours/week. Loeven: there are additional hours being filled during the day? Supervisor: no. Loeven: the clerk’s position is only…Supervisor: it’s going to be 5 hours/week. Then the 2 building inspectors will pick up the slack.  



Councilman Howell commented on the 1stnight out against crime on August 6, 6:30-8:30 at the town park.

Councilman Carey: if you buy a new flag between now and July 4th, you can drop off the old flag to our flag drop here or at village hall.

Councilman Furman: thanked the MV football for coming tonight. He’s thankful for the board working with them.

Councilman Jennings Minisink Lacrosse started using the soccer field over there. Dean received insurance certificate and will get a copy of it to town clerk. He wished everyone a safe & Happy 4thof July.

Supervisor Volpe reiterated, all of the not-for-profits, I was in little league for years. It’s usually a pretty decent group but it’s usually only 5 or 6 that do anything. It’s a thankless job.  Happy July 4theveryone.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2ndCouncilman Carey to adjourn the meeting at 8:42pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Furman; carried.


The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 15, 2018 at 7:30pm at Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen A. Myers, RMC

Town Clerk