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The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at Town Hall on August 20, 2018 at 7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Dominick Cambareri and Deputy Town Clerk Paula Bird. Not present: Kathleen Myers, Town Clerk.

OFFICIALS PRESENT: Chief P. Rickard, Deputy Chief M. Maresca, D. Bavoso –Town Attorney, Highway Supt. D. Hassenmayer.

Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30PM, following the Pledge of Allegiance.  


MOTION offered  Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Howell to accept the minutes from the August 6, 2018.All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.


1. Police Department monthly report July 2018
2. Complaint re: residence on Old Mountain Road
3. Estimates to resurface tennis and basketball courts from H’way Supt.
4. Supervisor’s Report for July 2018
5. Summer Camp Expense Summary
6. Revised Road Closing notice for Mount Hope Road (already posted on board)
7. Otisville Fire Department Call History Report May 2018
8. Village of Otisville Fire Dept. bank statement June 2018
9. Operating statement Fire Protection July 2018




COUNCILMAN JENNINGS reported that there are 135 library cards as of August 1. Village is still working on the truck doors and replacing the roof on social hall. The Fire Company had 22 calls for July. ZBA is not meeting in September. Planning board meets next month on Thurs. Sept. 20 instead of Wednesday. There were many items on the Planning board agenda. The big issue was the Howell Solar Farm. There was a lot of concern from the citizens. They kept the public hearing open until next month. There is a 9 lot subdivision going in on Maple Lane. There is a 16 lot subdivision on western Guymard Tpk. which is going to be a part of Heather and Cedar Lane in Hidden Valley’s extension and are talking about tapping into the Hidden Valley well and septic.

COUNCILMAN CAMBARERI reported that summer rec was a success, everything went very smoothly and the directors did a fabulous job running it.

COUNCILMAN CAREY added that summer rec had a BBQ the last day that went very well. He also looked into the grants for summer concert series for next year but has not gotten an answer yet.

COUNCILMAN HOWELL reported the Comprehensive Plan committee will have its next meeting August 305PM at town hall with a public comment section, if anyone wants to participate. The date for the Veteran’s Day parade is set for Sat., Nov. 10 this year with the same route starting at the Fire House and ending at the Village Park. He reminded everyone that there is a fundraiser at the Senior Center Sat., Aug. 25 from 1-5PM to raise money in support of Ed VanLeuven to help him with his medical condition. If anyone is interested, information can be given.

SUPERVISOR VOLPE questioned Atty Bavoso about the Fireworks Law and if the town board sets theamount of the fine. The maximum fine is $1000, what is entailed in raising the amount of the fine? Atty Bavoso stated that it would be able to be done by resolution. That would be something Supervisor Volpewould be looking to be changed and depending on the particular person he doesn’t think $1000 is quite high enough. He recommends the board to look into it otherwise people will voluntarily pay the fine and continue to do it. Councilman Carey questioned Atty Bavoso where the $1000 fine came from, if it was compared to other municipalities. Atty Bavoso stated that in creating the law they used two or three other laws to make it fit. The $1000 penalty is roughly what those municipalities used and the town board adopted the law based on that. Councilman Carey: If no one goes out to get the insurance and the fireworks, they’re going to get fined $1000 that’s it. Atty Bavoso: yes, ultimately it’s whatever the judge orders that would be the maximum. Supervisor Volpe asked if there’s a way to have a minimum. Atty Bavoso: doesn’t see any reason why not.Supervisor Volpe stated that would ease our concerns that if there was a minimum.



If it’s a repeat offender, there are things to be looked in to. Councilman Howell asked Atty Bavoso if it is offense number three is there a way to escalate the fine schedule of fee. Atty Bavoso said yes. Supervisor Volpe stated it’s early but he would rather be proactive on this considering we had an issue last year. Atty Bavoso stated in the C/O Port Jervis, for building code violations they have a repeat offender law. If someone is convicted or pleads guilty with a certain number of violations during a certain period of time, then the next time it is automatically a week or day in jail. You can have a repeat offender provision. Supervisor Volpe asked if everybody is up to looking into it more. Board agreed.


H’way Supt Hassenmayer reported the youth center framing is almost done with only about two days left of framing and hopefully will be done this week. The guys are helping Town of Greenville. We are getting to the point we need to get specs for commercial doors and windows. He asked if Councilman Cambareri would want to work on that with him. They discussed availability to meet. They will meet Friday or Saturday. Supervisor Volpe would like to proceed since we have the money for it. Councilman Howell suggested when the roofing materials were bought it was done by bid from a supply house and asked if that’s the same route that we will go. Supervisor Volpe:  yes- the same will apply with the sheet rocking and we will only pay for labor. Supt. Hassenmayer stated O&R requested to have all the trees trimmed away from the power line going back to the second pole along the driveway. That was done last Friday. They had a little clean up to do on the bank and are going to re-ditch before winter. Chief Rickard added one of the problems is one of the village homeowners fills the ditch with garbage and waste and suggests maybe the village could talk to him. Supt. Hassenmayer stated he received a third estimate from Ward Paving for the tennis and basketball courts. He made some notes on the copies of estimates for the board. He noted that Todd Lyons Paving is the most economical. Option one is $44,395. He looked up and found out the courts were last done 15 years ago- Aug/Sept 2003. Councilman Cambareri questioned Ward wants $20,000 to repair the cracks and Lyons wants $44,000 to repair the cracks and resurface. Supt. Hassenmayer answered yes. He adds the cracks need to be repaired and resurfaced. All of his together was $60,000. Duffy’s was out of the ballpark. Councilman Cambareri asked if he was out the ballpark for the paving part but right on with the striping. Supt. Hassenmayer clarifies it is $67,000 total for the paving. They are the only ones he got an estimate for the striping. Councilman Cambareri stated every year he gets three estimates for striping and Duffy’s is always the cheapest by far. Supt. Hassenmayer stated they did it in the spring of 2014 and it held up good and looked good for years. Supervisor Volpe asked if we did this would we have to wait for the striping until spring or if we could do it right away. Hwy Supt.: we could do it right away. Councilman Cambareri: right after they pave, it can be colored and striped. Councilman Jennings asked if Todd Lyons Paving is going to remove the existing. Supt. Hassenmayer explained how they will be repaired and that Lyons is equal to everybody except for Duffy who gave different options. Duffy gave prices to remove and relevel the item 4, do a new base coat and do a topcoat, which is extremely high at $50,000 and $59,000 totaling $109,000. Supt. Hassenmayer was unsure how the funding or finances are. Councilman Cambareri stated they do need to be done. Supervisor Volpe asked Atty Bavoso if this is something that needs to be bidded out or ok to go with the three estimates. Atty Bavoso stated as long as the specs were sent to all of the groups that three estimates are sufficient. Councilman Cambareri: do any of these include taking down the fence and reinstalling. Supt. Hassenmayer: no, that would be our responsibility. We could take it down and open it up, but repairing we would have to hire Ketcham. Councilman Jennings asked if he got a quote for how much that would cost. Supt. explained that he doesn’t know how much fence needs to be taken down yet- it depends on how the trucks have to go in. Once a contractor is chosen theyll have a brief construction meeting. Councilman Cambareri: normally they come in on an end but in this case they can’t come in one end so they are going to have to do the basketball court from that side. The other one with the angle they will have to come in the actual end. Supt. Hassenmayer agreed they will need to come in by the gate. Supervisor Volpe is confident we do have plenty of money to do this. The courts are constantly used and it would be great to get another 15 years and would be money well spent. Supervisor Volpe asked Supt. if while striping is being done could we do the pickle ball set up as well. Supt. Hassenmayer explained the bids for striping two courts it’s exactly the same, it is a set price for striping and could be modified to make a pickle ball court. Councilman Jennings questioned if anything is going to be done with the volleyball court. Supt. Hassenmayer explains the volleyball court is in a wet location. There is a problem with the sand washing away when we have storms & was set too low. If the town board wants to address it, we could raise it and put some drainage and add more sand or possibly relocate it. Councilman Cambareri: the 1st fewyears it was used often. Supt. Hassenmayer: over the past few years the only time it was brought up was for the summer rec program. Supervisor Volpe said it would be left open for discussion.


MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd  Councilman Carey to approve Todd Lyons Paving to redo option no. 1 for $44,395 to repair and resurface both the tennis courts and basketball courts. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.



MOTION offered by Councilman Carey 2nd by Councilman Howell to approve Duffys Pavement Markings, Inc. for $19,251 for restriping. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.

Supt. Hassenmayer is awaiting the salt contract for the snow and ice agreement which is expected by the end of the month.


Chief Rickard reported on the fair, went well. A bill will be generated after tomorrow’s payroll and will be forwarded to Lions Club. Chief Rickard requested executive session for a contract negotiation and a personnel matter & to include Deputy Chief Maresca.



MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Cambareri to enter into executive session at 7:50pm for contract negotiation and personnel matter regarding the police department.. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Howell to reconvene regular meeting from executive session at 8:09pm. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN IN THIS EXECUTIVE SESSION. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.


No report.


Supervisor Volpe reported summer rec went great. He would like to have the smoke trailer back next year. The fire department did a great job with it. Councilman Cambareri added Rob and Diane both did a great job with the kids.


Supervisor Volpe requested anyone who did not yet submit a newsletter he needs it by Friday since there is time sensitive information on there.


MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd  Councilman Carey to approve the supervisors report for July 2018. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Howell to authorize the supervisor to sign contract for school resource officer with Minisink Valley School District. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.


Supervisor Volpe reported about Comp Alliance and receiving emails. He explained some of the free classes available for the different departments that can be taken online. He spoke about attending the planning board meeting to represent some residents who had concerns on the Howell Solar project. He would like to have every planning board and zoning board member to have an email so residents can reach out with questions or concerns.


Supervisor Volpe stated that we have been working with Howells Fire Company to purchase 1.1 acres to extend the Howells Cemetery. Howells Fire Company is charging what they paid per acre which is approximately $13,000 with additional closing costs. Supervisor Volpe noted he went to the planning board for a lot line change re: Howell’s Cemetery land.


Supervisor Volpe noted that union negotiations are starting Thursday and he will keep the board informed as things move along.




MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to approve the following bills for Abstract 18:

GENERAL A:#492-528$  83,693.80

GENERAL B:#89-93$ 24,942.53

HIGHWAY:#115-128$  41,509.39

SEWER:​​#65-71​​$    4,637.04

MT HOPE FIRE:​​#2$ 124,500.00

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.


Diane Loeven: the seniors have a 4 day trip on September 10- 13. Parking lot may be tight as there is a large group attending. As far as the Fireworks Law, she questioned Atty Bavoso that there are state laws broken as well as local laws. Atty Bavoso agreed. Chief Rickard met with DA office and it was determined that in this specific case, state law does not apply-town law applies. Atty Bavoso stated that town police have authority to enforce county and state law aside from the town law.

Kathie Yedziniak: (to Councilman Howell) when will the Comprehensive Plan be ready. Councilman Howell answered the planning committee is projecting to have a draft ready after the Aug. 30th meeting. Atty Bavoso: the Comprehensive Plan has already been adopted and the new zoning law is being worked on now. They are expecting by the end of October, it will be finalized. Councilman Cambareri: the next meeting there will be finalization of terminology, a draft then a public hearing will be scheduled. After the public hearing the committee will make a recommendation to the board on whether or not to approve. Atty Bavoso stated that changes would have to be adopted like a local law and explained how changes will be made. Mrs. Yedziniak questioned if the solar moratorium is expired. Atty Bavoso: no it has not expired, it was adopted in April which would make the renewal date October- initial period is six months with 2 three month periods after that.


Councilman Howell questioned the last subdivision we had in Hidden Valley had an extension on the sewer district, in terms of expanding the boundaries of the district is this something that needs to be authorized or set in to motion even though they’ve already made the application through the planning board process. Atty Bavoso stated the new 16 lot subdivision has to follow the same procedure as last time.  Councilman Howell added if the new subdivision will incorporate the water district as well. Atty Bavoso recommended they talk to the engineers. Councilman Cambareri added the town only runs the sewer district, the water district is run by a private company. Supervisor Volpe had a prior conversation with Ryan from KC Engineering regarding the possible addition of 41 homes to the sewer district without changing anything with the DEC.

Councilman Carey: gave praise to the Otisville Fire Department for the drowning in the T/O Deerpark.

Councilman Jennings: gave praise to Otisville Fire Department for the MVA during the fair also. Supervisor Volpe agreed with Councilman Carey and Councilman Jennings that it is nice to see all departments come together when aid is needed.

A resident from 89 Tally Ho Road spoke re: neighbors septic that runs onto his property.  He contacted the building department in April with no resolution as of yet. Supervisor Volpe: duly noted.


MOTION offered Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm.  All in favor:Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri, Jennings; carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 4, 2018 at 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Bird, Deputy Town Clerk for Kathleen Myers, Town Clerk
