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Public Education and Outreach


The public education and outreach minimum control measure consists of best management practices (BMPs) and program elements that focus on development of educational materials designed to inform the public about the impacts of stormwater discharges on waterbodies. Educational materials generally describe how the public can help to reduce pollutants in stormwater.

This Minimum Control Measure requires MS4s to develop and implement an ongoing public education and outreach program that describes the impacts of stormwater discharges on waterbodies, the pollutants of concern and their sources, and steps that contributors of stormwater and non-stormwater discharges can take to reduce the pollutants.

In certain areas that have current Watershed Improvement Strategies and/or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) allocations, the regulated community is required to address specific types of contamination in their education and outreach program such as phosphorous, nitrogen and/or pathogens. Additionally, the program must address specified sources of these contaminants whether from septic systems, construction sites, fertilizer use, animal or pet wastes.

Target audiences who are in need of stormwater education and outreach must be identified and the education and outreach programs should be tailored to the specific needs of each group. Such audiences may include but are not necessarily limited to: elected municipal officials, municipal planning and zoning boards, municipal staff (e.g. attorneys, planners, engineers, highway superintendents and building code officers), homeowners and small businesses, schools and other educational venues, civic associations and non-profit groups, construction community, and entities with a greater than average potential to generate stormwater pollution such as oil change facilities and fueling stations.

The MS4 is also required to develop measurable goals that are used to help gauge permit compliance and the effectiveness of the education and outreach program. The measurable goals should reflect the needs and characteristics of the area being served by the MS4. Additionally, the education and outreach program should be kept current by conducting periodic reviews of the goals and activities to ensure that they remain appropriate and effective.

Table Of Contents:

  • Selected Activities and BMPs
  • Measurable Goals
  • Program Accomplishments
  • Other Related Links

Selected Activities and BMPs:

To meet the public education and outreach program requirements, the MS4 has selected the following Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and activities to ensure the reduction of all pollutants of concern in stormwater discharges to the maximum extent practicable.

Website Development
Description of BMP/Activity:
The development and use of this website, itself, provides the public with educational information on all aspects of the MS4’s stormwater management program and meets many of the requirements associated with the public education and outreach program. For example, the pollutants of concern, potential sources of pollutants, waterbodies of concern, geographic areas of concern, and steps that can be taken to reduce pollutants in stormwater are specifically described in various sections of this website
Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Highway Department
  • Implementation: Highway Department

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous
  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status – Program Development:
[ ] Completed – This activity has been completed
[ ] Short-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year.
[ ] Long-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.
[X] On-Going – This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.
Status – Implementation:
[ ] Completed – This activity has been completed
[ ] Short-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year.
[ ] Long-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.
[X] On-Going – This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Displays and Posters
Description of BMP/Activity:
Displays at community events, festivals, conferences and seminars are an effective means of distributing stormwater information and building public awareness. The display may be specific to a particular audience or may be general in nature. Posters are also effective and may be placed in public locations such as schools, libraries, and municipal buildings
Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

Program Development: Highway Department
Implementation: Highway Department

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: Annually
  • Implementation: Annually

Status – Program Development:
[ ] Completed – This activity has been completed
[ ] Short-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year.
[ ] Long-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.
[X] On-Going – This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.
Status – Implementation:
[ ] Completed – This activity has been completed
[ ] Short-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year.
[ ] Long-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.
[X] On-Going – This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

School Programs
Description of BMP/Activity:
Classroom education can play an integral role in any stormwater management outreach program. Providing stormwater education through schools conveys the message not only to students but to the parents. Such programs may involve partnerships between educators and experts to ensure age appropriate material is developed. A range of educational materials and aids can be provided including: simple photocopied handouts, overheads, posters and slide shows, or more costly and elaborate working models and displays. The program may also involve a year-long study or a single presentation or activity.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Highway Department
  • Implementation: Highway Department and the Town Clerk’s Office

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous
  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status – Program Development:
[ ] Completed – This activity has been completed
[ ] Short-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year.
[ ] Long-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.
[X] On-Going – This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.
Status – Implementation:
[ ] Completed – This activity has been completed
[ ] Short-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year.
[ ] Long-Term – This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.
[X] On-Going – This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Measurable Goals:

Regulated communities are required to collect and report information about the development and implementation of their stormwater program. Specific information that the MS4 is required to collect is generally included in the Annual Report and may also be reflected in related Self-Assessments (as applicable). MS4s are also required to identify “Measurable Goals” that will help them evaluate accomplishments and progress over time. The following “Measurable Goals” have been specifically identified for this Minimum Control Measure:

  • We developed/provided one brochure in conjunction with Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Our goal this year is to distributed more than the 4500 brochures we distributed last year
  • There were 2 locations for our displays
  • 5 school programs conducted
  • Number of students reached – 800

Program Accomplishments:

Activities and BMPs that have been accomplished to date for this Minimum Control Measure are included within the required MS4 Stormwater Annual Report form and Municipal Compliance Certification. Copies of these documents can be found at the following link (Annual Reports). Copies of various documents and specific products relating to this minimum control measure are included under “Related Documents”.

A summary of the effectiveness of this program, associated BMPs, activities and an assessment of measurable goals can be found under the heading “Program Reporting and Effectiveness”.

Other Related Links:

EPA Education and Outreach Homepage
For Kids – Some Fun activities and information
EPA Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents
EPA Getting in Step: A Guide to Conducting Watershed Outreach Campaigns
Project WET (Worldwide Water Education)