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The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at the Town Hall on 1706 Route 21 1 West, Otisville, NY on November 10, 2016 at 7:15pm with the following present:

Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Dominick Cambareri & Town Clerk Kathleen Myers. Not Present: Councilwoman Janet Sutherland.

OFFICIALS PRESENT: Highway Supt. D. Hassenmayer, Chief Rickard, Attorney D. Bavoso.

Supervisor Volpe called the public hearing for the 2017 Preliminary Budget to order at 7:15pm following the Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisor asked for cell phones to be turned off/silenced.


Supervisor Volpe stated that Councilwoman Sutherland is not here because she had surgery. The legal notice is available on the table. Copies of the budget are available on the table. He explained the 2017 budget. He asked the public for any questions. He asked the board members if they had questions. The budget is broken down into A budget, B budget, Highway, Hidden Valley. 90% of the increases are all contractual. The highway & police departments are unionized. At the end of 2013, we had approx. 1.5 million in surplus in A & B, 237,000 in surplus in highway, & in 2014 that grew to 2.2 million & highway grew to 334,000. 2015 we had 2.4 million left & 441 ,OOO in highway. Projecting in 2016 we’ll have 3.3 million & 542,000 in highway capital. As we saw in our 1 st year having almost 800,000 in surplus we started making adjustments to lower taxes. Taxes were lowered in ’14, ’15 & getting lowered again in ’16. We are getting more on track now. The budget is gonna reflect what our actual spending is. The police & highway depts. have the most employees. Their spending and ability to keep their budgets down have been awesome. Last year was mild winter. We worked on a lot of things this year ie: senior center. We were able to put quite a bit of money into it. Fortunately, we were able to use in-house services because it was such a mild winter. In the hallway we ripped the carpet up and put tile down. Dean & I met with a roofing contractor because our roof on this building needs to be replaced. We hope it will make it through the winter. In the early spring it will be a capital project. The parking lot a year ago was another big project. We were able to do all these things without taxes going up. Our infrastructure has to be constantly upgraded. We got a back up system this past year. Prior to that, the girls in the office were leaving with a memory stick in their pocket. We have a system that backs up every night now. There’s a lot of internal things that are kinda behind the scenes. As things move forward we have to change with the times. We record the meetings now. We started an annual newsletter. All these things we added with no additional increase. Even though I work the numbers, it takes a team effort He thanked all the departments.

We might be the only town in all of Orange County that has reduced taxes 3 years in a row. Police & highway have increases in contractual due to the union agreements. We added an emergency management line this year. There’s only $1 ,000 in it. Dominick & I have just about 2.2 million dollars of the town’s assets in CD’s. The rates are very low so we have them rolling every 30 days. They are opened on a Monday through Friday basis. Each calendar day another $100,000 CD matures so in the event the town has to get into this money which will eventually happen, we won’t have to break a CD because every day a CD matures. Even as low as the rates were, we were able to pick up $37,000 in interest. Looking at more educational public classes this year. These are things that are gonna self-sustain themselves. If we have a CPR class, basically people are going to pay what it is to have that instructor there $15/$20. We still live in a place that doesn’t have an ambulance available 24 hours a day. Education of anything medical would be beneficial to the taxpayers. We did our AEDICPR class for $20. New Windsor did their class for $120. The biggest increase on the “A” part of the budget is the summer rec got moved out of the “B” budget and has gotten moved into the “A” budget. Basically on ’16 the revenues from summer rec covered it so you’ll see additional revenues coming into the town That same amount of money going out so it is a wash. He’s hoping the newsletter will be ready earlier next year. He would like to do it before Dean has his fall clean-up then we’ll promote the fall clean up a month or so early. We’ll have the clean-up for the spring 2018. We did the NARCAN classes we did this year. We have used it twice so far. He would like to have suicide prevention classes next year. A Middletown fire fighter who lives in his neighborhood teaches this class. He asked for questions from the public.




MOTION offered by Councilman Carey by Councilman Howell to close the public hearing for the 2017 preliminary budget at 7:30pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.

AT THIS TIME, Supervisor Volpe opened the regular meeting.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2 nd by Councilman Howell to approve the minutes from the 10-17-2016 meeting as submitted. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri;






5. 6.



9. 10.



13. 14. 15.

Letter of request from the police chief to surplus equipment

Cert. of Insurance for tax collector to collect taxes in 2017

Humane Society of Middletown contract for 2017 for approval

Inter-municipal agreement with Village of Otisville re: bulk trash

4H 5K request on April 1, 2017

Letter from OC District Attorney re: Police/civilian deadly force encounters presentation

NYS DEC letter re: Reconnaissance Inspection

Corres. From Assoc. of Towns re: Annual meeting in NYC Feb. 19-22, 2017 Public Hearing notice from T/O Mamakating re: solar held on 11-1-2016

Trash report for October 2016 from Highway dept.

Building Inspector report 10-2016

Insurance cert. from Mike Romano Electric

Hidden Valley flushing of the mains on Nov. 9

Impound report for October 2016 MH fire report thru 11-10-2016


Councilman Howell reported Master plan meeting is Nov. 30th at town hall at 5pm. He spoke re:

sink hole on Rte 211 and the letter sent to the state. There has been a temporary repair. The issue is the drainage pipe has collapsed. It is on the list to be repaired. Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day celebration here at town hall at 9am. Local VFW & American Legion posts, veterans from surrounding townships, girl scout troop, Holy Name youth group.

Councilman Carey reported he was asked to look into grant money from the county for the concert series at the park. The grant is due 12-1-16. He will work with Julie on it. Supervisor asked Councilman Carey to reach out and speak to football people about not parking on the grass.

Councilman Cambareri: no report.

Attorney Bavoso reported that the school property proceeds like any other real estate transaction for the town. Pursuant to town law this board is required to set a public hearing date to enter into any agreement for the transfer of the property. That public hearing will be held. Once it is closed then this board would have to adopt a resolution in transferring the property. When you do that, you have to articulate the reasons why you believe that’s the best scenario for the town so we have that on record. However, unlike any other sale of property by the town, instead of waiting 30 days for the permissive referendum time to expire for the resolution to take effect, this board has indicated that, also permitted in the town law, that you would like to initiate that referendum by resolution of the town board which is permitted. We would adopt a resolution immediately after adopting the resolution to transfer then that referendum would have to be held no earlier than 60 days and no later than 90 days from the date the resolution is adopted. Supervisor: so the night of the public hearing we could do all of that? Bavoso: yes. Cambareri: should we have a contract written so that when it goes out to public referendum you have all the details? Bavoso: that is within the discretion of the board. I would advise it. Any transfer we do would follow a standard form contract similar to one that we did for Cornell. The only real changes would be the identification of the real property and the purchase price. Supervisor: our next step right now is? Bavoso: set a public hearing. Cambareri: should we have the details of the contract before a public hearing? Bavoso: I can get them to you before if you’d rather wait until we have a contract put together. Supervisor: we have to see who the attorney is for the old school.



Bavoso: I would prefer that the corporation has an attorney, that attorney submit an offer or proposal to the town in writing. Then setting the public hearing and making the resolutions would be based on that particular offer. Supervisor: we have a meeting 10 days from now. Do I set the public hearing tonight or wait the 10 days? Bavoso: no matter what, any public hearing would have to be the I st meeting in December because you won’t meet the timing for the next meeting for this month. I can have the proposed contract if someone from the corporation can have an offer sent over to me. I can make sure that’s in your hands by the next meeting.


Supt. Hassenmayer reported in tonight’s bill is a voucher for a used tractor. He found it on the site he uses to sell our used equipment on. It’s being sold by the TIO Binghampton. He went to look at it. It’s in great shape. There’s only 2,000 hours on it. It’s a 2006 New Holland TL80A. It’s very similar to the one we have. He let it finish the auction and called me. He said we could have it for $17,000. It reached $17, 100 on the auction site. They’re doing us a favor. A lot of highway supts are doing that. If another highway dept shows interest they’ll decline the offer on the auction site and sell it outright. That way you don’t have to pay the 10% auction fee. It’s a good deal. On the Voucher, the money all comes out of .2 accounts. It’s in the budget for this year. The purpose of it is the road mower we have now was bought with a boom mower which is for banks & over the guard rails. Originally I bought an offset flail mower. The flail mower sticks out more on the shoulder side of the road for mowing just the flat shoulders quick. The tractor we had to run that was our old 27 year old tractor which has since broke down and got rid of it. I’ve always kept an eye out for a used tractor. It’s a full cab so they can run together. I think we can cut our mowing time down to 2-3 timeframe. The mower just came in last Friday the 18th of Nov. It went out in May. It was a long summer. We only did 2 cuts. One mower is slow. With the board’s permission I’d like to have that check cut next week then I’ll go up and get the tractor. The town board up there has accepted our offer of $17,000.

He spoke about the Case loader to replace the 1996 Case. It’s a model 621B. It’s 20 years old.

It’s still a good working loader but it’s starting to rust out. The cab is starting to rust out. It needs to be replaced for our use. He wants to declare it surplus tonight and put it on the auction site.

With the snow season coming up it may get some good offers for parking lots. He’d like to get between $22-28,000. I’ll see what it does. We can always turn the offer down. Supervisor — asked the particulars on the lawn mower for the resolution. H’way Supt. — it’s a tractor. 2006 New Holland TL80A full cab with 4WD. Our new loader should be here next week or the week after. A year ago Sept., I came back from the highway conference & the state was talking about re-mapping all the roads, re-measuring all the town roads with GPS. They finally got to us. I got the report the other day. They’re cutting our miles down .89 miles. A lot of it has to do with what’s at town lines. He spent 2/3 of the day today re-measuring every one of our roads. Compared to what their numbers are & most of the problem/disagreeing areas are at town lines. Now I have those numbers, the 17th there’s a meeting on this down at the Mid-Hudson Psych Center. He’s hoping to re-negotiate this and get at least a 1/2 mile back. That’s how our CHIP money is based. The trucks & equipment are 100% ready for snow. Salt shed is 100% full now. The last of the salt bills are in there tonight. Supervisor: is there more salt coming? Supt.: no, that’s it until Feb. hopefully unless we run low. Hoping to not have to buy salt until next summer.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Carey allow Highway Supt. to buy the 2006 New Holland TL80A full cab, 4WD for $17,000. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.

RESOLUTION TO ALLOW HIGH SUPT. TO SURPLUS LOADER AND PUT ON AUCTION SITE: MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2d by Councilman Howell to allow Highway Supt. to declare the CASE loader surplus and put it on the auction site. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.


2d Asst. Chief Carver read report into record and gave copies to board members.




Chief Rickard spoke re: The medical training is set up for Sat, Mon, Tues. He will touch base with Mike Coppola about getting the tanks filled. This time next week we’ll be all set. He spoke re: a fire in TIO Newburgh. The 1 st 2 surplus items don’t work. They’re old. The 2 patrol PC mobile computers — try to put them on the auction site & see if we can get anything for them. They’re over 5 years old. One overheats.

The senior center now has WIFI as of Monday. Supervisor will let the VFW know at the Veteran’s

Day celebration.

He added that the transition was pretty easy for the phones and internet. Just a couple glitches. He is looking to hire Thomas Miller as a police officer.


Trustee Loeven reported will be having a celebrations meeting on Monday. The tree lighting will be on Dec. 3 and refreshments served at the fire house. The patriot tree lighting will be on Dec. 7 at 5:30 then refreshments at village hall after. She will bring fliers when she gets them.


Atty. Bavoso reported Carol Gallagher will be at the next regular board meeting and prepared to speak to the board. Councilman Cambareri: is that before our board meeting? Bavoso: She is coming during the meeting then you would go into executive session to seek advice of counsel. Councilman Howell added that he spoke with Dan Depew to get his take on the project. Their recommendation is to seek any information through a hydrogeologist. The TIO Wallkill has one they work with regularly because of the water districts they have & he has his contact information to forward to the board. Supervisor: we could check with the attorney that David has for next meeting and if we’re not satisfied maybe we could get that person for the next meeting.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2 nd by Councilman Howell to approve the Tax

Collector Bond for the Tax Collector to collect taxes for 2017 in the amount of Sl (copy at end of these minutes) All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.

RESOLUTION TO APPROVE HUMANE SOCIETY OF MIDDLETOWN CONTRACT FOR 2017: MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Howell to the 2017 Humane Society of Middletown contract. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.


Supervisor asked Mayor: if by chance you have people that have bulk trash, would the village

DPW be able to bring it down here? So that our trucks aren’t operating in the village. Mayor: it is possible. Supervisor: we are still ok 100% doing it — it’s just that question came up and I never thought to ask. They could bring whatever they want down here. If you do it by scale, I think that the most you would get is a couple. I wanted to ask if that was ok. Mayor: it’s possible.

Supervisor: just for anybody that is in the village limits. Ms. Loeven: are you saying that your highway department would not do pick up for seniors & disabled in the village?

Supervisor: I think we’re trying to figure out if instead of having our trucks operate in the village — we would still welcome the stuff- just so that the village DPW picked it up and brought it down here rather than us operate a truck in the village on a street we don’t normally operate on. Loeven: would you not be covered?

Supervisor: I have no idea.

Loeven: I just assumed that since the contract is in place that that would give you the coverage. Bavoso: by the agreement each municipality is maintaining its insurance on its own assets. It’s gonna be a question for the insurance company if something were to happen for something like that. I can’t say whether it would be covered or not. I think even if there was something like a mutually agreed spot to transfer from truck to truck, I think that would take care of it. That’s a question for the insurance company.

Supervisor: I think it will be minimal.




MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2 nd by Councilman Carey to approve the municipal agreement with the Village of Otisville for the clean up and non-payment of the dumpsters. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.

4H 5K RUN.

Supervisor: Someone named Bob came to see me. He also received an email from Joanne. They are from the alumni for the 4H. They are looking to have a 4H 5K run on April I, 2017. Their committee only meets once/month. What they are looking at is Finchville & Mill Pond being closed down to Roeders on that Saturday. They will come down and double back. Start/finish is at the 4H site. Supervisor emailed with Joanne and spoke with Bob. If we know ahead of time, his concerns would be intersections and insurance. He recommended once they do their emergency plan that Jerome gives us the emergency plan with the number of how many people. We may need 2 police officers for the end. I don’t want volunteers trying to stop traffic or closing it down. He also told them that since it is a fundraiser it’s gonna benefit not the TIO Mount Hope that they would have to pay for the additional police. If the emergency plan is given to Paul and he determines that they need 3 officers for 4 hours they would be obligated to pay the additional costs to the town. Other than that I didn’t see anything that would be costing the town any time or money. They were ok with that. Bavoso: provide insurance with the town named as additional insured. They would like to know if the board is ok with this. Board agreed. Supervisor will let them know.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Howell to approve the 2017 Town Budget as presented. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried


Supervisor asked town clerk for numbers on the school vote. 76 — LLC, 11 — demo, 39 – rehab.


Supervisor stated the annual tree lighting will be on Dec. 5. Santa is secured. Refreshments too.


MOTION offered by Councilman Carey 2 nd by Councilman Howell to approve the tree lighting on December 5, 2016 at 7pm at town hall. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.


Supervisor spoke re: fire protection. He stated at a previous meeting that he would make sure the

Village of Otisville that everything was up to par, certifications. He has talked to the Mayor every other day, every 3 or 4 days as they get members, as certifications are being recertified. He’s kept me in the loop. He would like to have the fire house opened up prior to our next meeting on the 21 st for the board to go there and walk through. Brian can have all the certifications readily available. We can see the apparatus, the facility. Anything that may be in question, perhaps residents have come to you with any questions, you can check it out. (to Brian): what has transpired since the bid opening as far as what trucks are inspected? Mayor: hose inspections/ ladder inspections are all up to date. The ladder truck is certified. We’re just waiting in the stickers to come back on that but it’s certified now. The scott paks were done yesterday. Due to their busy schedule, that was the first they could get to it. Supervisor: there was a question about hose inspections. Was that done? Mayor: yes. Got a couple rolls of 4 or 5″ but we have 4 or 5 rolls still sitting there from 2013 — not even out of the box. They’re ready to be replaced. Supervisor: it’s kind of a formal or informal, if any one from the board, I already talked to Brian so we set something up, if it’s 6:55, 6:45 1’m sure somebody will be there. If you want to pop your head in or take a walk through. Come with a check list/come with concerns. Anything you find or any deficiency that you find we immediately have a board meeting after that. Mayor: I sent an email out to every board member advising them and the fire chief about the 21 s for the inspection.

Everyone is advised on my end.




MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd by Councilman Carey to surplus the following: HP

#7520 printer & Fujitsu laptop serial #Q0801360 and 2 Patrol PC mobile computers declared surplus and sold on the auction site. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Howell to hire Thomas Miller as a part time non-competitive police officer effective November 14, 2016. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.


MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Carey to approve the following









#629-652 #135-141







$ 56,104.35

$ 24,953.60

$ 13,712.00

$ 1,897.27

$141 ,912.28

$ 20,258.25

$120,061.15 $ 2,453.07

All in favor: Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; (ABSTAIN FROM GEN A/ABSTRACT #22 – Howell),



Diane Loeven: from the seniors: they are requesting a basic I st aid and a driver safety class.

She’s tried & most of the AARP’s that do it are reasonably priced. Supervisor Volpe stated he has 2 friends that offer the class but they have to have 15 minimum. She spoke re: suicide prevention. She would like for the hometown helpers volunteer to get involved in that. She spoke re: ladies room issue. Supt. Hassenmayer said it was taken care of. She thanked the Supervisor for the curtain rods at the senior center. She had curtains to donate for the center. They need to have a certain fire rating though. She brought it up at the senior meeting. The seniors felt unanimously that the town has been so generous with everything they’ve done for the senior center that they will fund the curtains. She will verify everything with Julie for the fire rating before they purchase them. The seniors requested that the next time they replace the chairs could they be the chairs with padded seats.

Ken Pinkela: asked about Time Warner. Bavoso: the man I’ve been speaking with has been traveling the last couple weeks. He will reach out to him next week. Pinkela: any rumblings about the potential purchase? Bavoso: that might be why they are traveling. Pinkela asked to write down the next steps for the school. Bavoso: hopefully the entity will send the board and himself a proposal for the purchase. The board would then set a public hearing. If the board found after the public hearing that transferring to that entity is in the best interest of the town, then they would make a resolution to do so. Then immediately do a resolution to put up a referendum then that referendum would have to happen within 60-90 days of the actual adoption of the resolution. Pinkela: Chad, do you think you could do all of that then next time? Supervisor: I’m thinking if we have the letter of intent from the LLC, I don’t see why we can’t, it’s still everything is obviously going to immediately be put back in limbo until the 60-90 day vote and that’s going to be an internal vote. It’s not like the board of elections is going to come here. We’ll have the date for the vote and we’ll know that night. We are moving in the right direction. Pinkela: follow up on Indigot Creek: is it the intent to talk to Wallkill Hydrologist to possibly hire our own. Straight from Missy in the amendment that is not going to happen until their ie: Middletown’s hydrology report is done.

Supervisor: we are trying to be proactive as we can. The guy that Matt is talking about had already written a letter to the county on behalf of the TIO Wallkill with his concerns.



Councilman Howell: I was talking Dan looking to get more information on how we could be more educated than just a guess in the dark. This was his recommendation for the best way to get the most knowledge on this project. He knows this area. Supervisor; but then that person could give the environmental attorney the proper. Pinkela: we’re gonna want our own expert.

F. Ketcham: as we get closer to the community center at the Otisville school, folks would still like to volunteer our time/effort to do any maintenance to make sure the roof is not leaking or gutters or whatever we can do. We have a group of volunteers that are still willing to work. Supervisor; I think we would need a hold harmless agreement. Howell: do you have something you are looking to do? Something specific? Supervisor: we were told that any volunteer can’t go up on a ladder not one step up. Ketcham: just concern to be able to check up on it. Supervisor will talk to the insurance company and have an answer for you 10 days from now. Pinkela: we would gladly do a release. Bavoso: it will depend on what the insurance company wants to see.


Councilman Cambareri: the budget process is a huge process. He thanked Chad and Angie for the work they did for the budget.

Councilman Carey: he agreed with Dominick about the budget. He asked the Mayor & Diane that since the last village board meeting he went to a few months ago, has anyone else from the town board been to your meetings? Mayor: no.

Councilman Howell: compliments to Paul (on Halloween night) about the officers walking on the street and interacting with people is a positive point. To follow Dominick & Brian, the budget on the board’s end when we get that big packet it’s essentially done at that point. The wish list and everything that goes on behind the scenes. Chief Rickard noted that all the Halloween candy that was given out was donated by the PBA.

Supervisor Volpe: at one of our budget meetings it came up about adding additional late shifts with the police department, so in addition to keeping the budget lower than last year, we’re adding 16 additional shifts to the police department — kind of as a pilot thing. He added that he, Dean and Paul are going to a management training class in Albany on Nov. 18.

Town Clerk: noted that she was in Shop Rite and approached by a resident that stated there’s bags of household garbage by the shed at Howells cemetery. Highway Supt. will check on it tomorrow.


MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd by Councilman Carey to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.

The next meeting is November 21, 2016 at 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Myers RMC

Town Clerk


