The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at Town Hall on March 5, 2018 at 7:30pm with the following present: Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matthew Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Dominick Cambareri & Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.
OFFICIALS PRESENT: D. Hassenmayer Highway Supt., Police Chief P. Rickard, D. Bavoso Town Attorney.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. He asked everyone to silence or turn off their cell phones. Meeting will not be recorded to due technical difficulty.
Supervisor Volpe opened the public hearing. The public notice is on the table. Jason Pitingaro (Pitingaro & Doetsch Consulting Engineers) was present to explain if there are questions. The board had no questions. Mr. Pitingaro explained that with MS-4 we are obligated because we are within an MS-4 to make a report each year. Basically, it’s stuff the town is already doing – reviewing SWPP & those types of things. It’s for urbanized areas so it’s almost not applicable for this area but because we have the prisons here, we are subject to that. It’s a report that’s made each year. The report has remained the same for the last couple years but these modules have to be completed each year & basically documents what the town has done as part of its obligation to comply with those regulations. Supervisor asked for any questions. Mr. Pitingaro further stated that we are required to hold this public hearing. We will submit on either the 17th or 18th of this month. Supervisor Volpe thanked him.
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Howell to close public hearing for MS-4 Stormwater at 7:35pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Howell to accept the minutes from February 20, 2018 as presented. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
1. (3) quotes for the foam insulation for new recreation center
2. Letter from County Planning Dept. re: comprehensive plan update approval except amend page 37
3. Surplus/destroy request from Town Clerk
4. Letter from MV Rotary re: blood drive (March 10) and clothing drive (April 28)
5. Letter from Commander Lou Maurizzio re: VFW donation for $1,000
6. Proposed letter to residents re: fireworks on Community Day
7. Palmer’s Ark impound report for February 2018
8. Letter from OC Ag & Farmland Protection Board re: Annual Ag District review March 1-March 30
9. Proposed Howells Cemetery sign
10. Updates from Chris Allgeier re: CPV plant
Councilman Jennings reported 80 library cards have been issued through March 1st. Planning Board meets on the 21st. He will let Diane go over the village meeting. He reached out to the DCO but hasn’t heard anything yet. He asked the Supervisor if he gets a report from him. Supervisor: yes.
Councilman Cambareri reported the latest repairs at the sewer plant are done – the bill is in tonight.
Councilman Carey reported that he checked on the grant for the summer concert series. There’s nothing as of yet. Nothing for baseball/football.
Councilman Howell reported the town has received the county comments on the comprehensive plan.
Supervisor Volpe reported he has the line up for the concert series. There are five different bands this year from last year. He would like that in the VOICE and on the website. He reported that Friday’s storm was an eye opener. As of yesterday at 3:00pm we had 116 households still without power. As of noon today we had 49. Basically, either OC emergency management & O&R had emergency phone conference calls pretty much every 2 hours. He doesn’t think anyone dropped the ball on this. O&R was very professional as far as keeping everyone up to speed with what’s going on. He is grateful things are moving as swiftly as they are. He tried a dry ice drop off at police station. They came with a truck full of dry ice. Friday night the generator was not working at the police station. The generator did not work supplying the state prison with water. Collectively, everyone got their hands dirty and everything ended up working out. He thanked everyone for all they did, Paul & Dean. Dean came up with a portable generator.
Supt. Hassenmayer reported the generator here worked perfectly, our 2 way radios for the highway dept. worked perfectly. We had no problems. But all other lines of communication were shut down – we lost cable when you lose cable, you lose phones & internet. Weather service shut down.
Sprint was down also. He could only communicate with the guys on the road. Carboy Road is closed with power wires across the road. He went by there before the meeting and they were just getting started to fix it. They were able to push everything off the road Friday night except for Robbins and Carboy both had trees down. They got out of here around 10:00 and came back in the next morning. Everyone rode their routes – no other problems; they then tackled the 2 trees. They left about 11:00 Saturday. Guys did a good job. Other than communications being down – everything went well. The generator (police) should be replaced; never should have bought a used one. Chief Rickard added that the generator is not yet working. Power went out this morning for about 15 minutes & the generator did not kick in. It went back to trouble mode. The generator guy said we are on the list & will come back as soon as he can. He squeezed us in Friday night and went to the village. Hassenmayer: generators are great but they need to be exercised. They should be exercised weekly. Ours exercises twice a week. He knows when it does because we go through a power flash. It provides power on the building for 20 minutes. Chief Rickard: one of the problems with ours is that it’s so old – we are guessing in excess of 20 years – it’s got analog dials. Initially they were trying to talk us through some diagnostics. There’s not much you can get from the dials. We’ve needed it twice so far and both times it’s failed. We should look at this. Supervisor Volpe recommends we get the service person back, if it’s worth salvaging- awesome. If not, let’s just buy a new one. Councilman Howell asked if the generator worked before Friday. Chief: There’s no records of tests because it’s an old unit. We don’t get the read-out. There’s no panel to find out. If he’s not there at 8:00 on Wednesday, he has no idea if it worked. It can’t be programmed. Councilman Carey asked what a new generator costs. Chief: no idea. He explained about the possible propane leak. There’s a tree currently on our service wires. It’s been reported. They were notified. They were told its low priority. Mike Romano said the wires are so pulled down that if that tree slips a little more it’s gonna yank the wires. His recommendation is to take generator off auto and just run it because if you put it on auto it’s not gonna come back on. That’s what we did. He will call the generator guy tomorrow morning. He asked if anyone knew how much a new generator costs; the current one is 60kw 3 phase. Mr. Pitingaro: probably about $40,000. It’s important that when it is exercising it’s exercising under load. You need to make sure yours is load bang tested once or twice a year. Councilman Cambareri: You don’t want one to exercise under load. It exercises off load then once a year you test under load. It’ll foul up your computer and everything. Chief: when this guy comes, hopefully he can give us an assessment of the unit.
Supervisor: if we bought it used, it probably wasn’t necessarily the right size. Supt. Hassenmayer noted the sign proof for Howells Cemetery. Supervisor: looks great. Hassenmayer suggested the logo be a little larger.
Supervisor Volpe asked Diane to tell everyone in the fire department ‘thank you for a job well done this weekend’.
Chief Rickard reported they did a lot of running around with the storm calls. Devan’s Gate asked if they could knock on everyone’s door. He doesn’t know if that’s feasible. They did make patrols through there. The speed trailer is being delivered Thursday. It comes on a truck. We need a forklift. It’s being delivered here so Dean can take it off. We are supposed to get a big storm on Wednesday – it’s not something we’re gonna put out until the winter is over. It will get lettered up with town name on it. He reported that they are having a problem with their server. It is about 7 years old. It doesn’t have enough memory. It keeps dropping, keeps turning off. We’ve been working with it. Ryan Veety is our IT guy. He’s been deleting things from it to keep it running. He recommends it gets replaced. The cost to replace is $8,799.58. Most of that is the software that runs it. SQL server is required to run on it which is $5,682.58. The actual hardware is $3,119. He requested to use $8,799.58 from our capital reserve fund and replace it. Ryan would do all the work.
Trustee Loeven spoke re: state completed their storm-water project by the firehouse. It looks like it is working. They are in the process of putting together their spring newsletter and if we have any information to go in there just send her an email by Friday.
Attorney Bavoso explained we can approve the comprehensive plan subject to the county recommendation (page 37) reference to 1998 county-wide agricultural & farmland protection plan. The most recent version of that is 2015. He spoke with the consultants today and they’re going to make the change just to change the language to refer to the most recent agricultural & farmland protection plan from the county that way we don’t have to keep going back and changing the number if we make changes to the comprehensive plan. This board has already determined itself to be lead agency for this project. You would issue a negative declaration under SEQR as to impacts and then adopt the plan with that one single change.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey, RESOLVED, that the Town of Mount Hope Town Board is making a “negative declaration” as defined by Part 617 of the New York Environmental Law and the SEQR review process and declares that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Carey 2nd Councilman Howell to adopt the Proposed Comprehensive Plan with the single change to page 37. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
(Copy on file in Town Clerk’s office)
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Jennings to surplus & destroy the following:
HP Keyboard Model # KU-0316 serial #BDAGPONVB4P5Xr and HP Mouse Model #MODGUO. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to approve request from Minisink Rotary to hold clothing drive in Town Hall parking lot on Saturday April 28, 2018 from 8am-3pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Jennings, Cambareri; ABSTAIN: Volpe; carried.
Supervisor Volpe received a letter from Lou Maurizzio re: donation of $1,000 in materials to finish the flag pole area at the entrance to Town Hall. It was supposed to be an Eagle Scout that was going to finish it. The project fell through last year. VFW not interested in doing any of the labor but they would like to see it finished. It would require help from the highway department. Cost of materials up to $1,000 would be donated by the VFW Post. Councilman Carey asked if there was a drawing from when the boy scout was willing to do it. Supt. Hassenmayer: no. Councilman Carey knows that the scout aged out and that’s why the project was not completed. Supervisor Volpe would like to welcome and accept the monetary donation. It’s too cold to do anything now anyway. Jason Pitingaro will help out with specifications for a drawing.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to accept the $1,000 donation for the flag pole area at the town hall entrance from the VFW Post. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
Supervisor Volpe knows the fireworks letter is a little early. It will go out to the residents in June. If anyone wants anything different, you can just let him know.
Supervisor Volpe spoke re: quotes. He and Jason went over there on last Monday. The concrete was just poured. The next big item is the spray insulation. There’s a lot of cosmetic things to get done while the walls are open. We’re going to get it wired; outlets. The big section will not have water going to it. The out sections will have water going to it. The side where exercise equipment will be is just paneling directly on to the concrete. Jason’s recommendation because we have to pay to heat it is gonna be on that left side where the exercise equipment is; we’re gonna 2×4 it out so that the insulation can go all the way around – the whole ceiling, too. It’s a little premature but depending on how quickly we can get the other items framed out. We currently have, after the concrete we have $29,664.51 left from the 1st grant. The 2nd grant is $125,000 and we should have by the end of March. The 3rd grant for $200,000. He just started and will keep everyone updated. Jason Pitingaro explained open cell/closed cell. The liquid used in the closed cell is gonna provide a higher ‘R’ value with less depth. It may not be necessary here because I don’t think we are very concerned with the depth of the insulation. We asked for the quotes for both types. If you had a smaller cavity you would use the better one so you wouldn’t have to do additional work and get the right ‘R’ value. Supervisor:
This could be 60-90 days out but because it was quoted out I would like to approve so that I don’t have to come back. Councilman Howell asked about the fire lock thermal barrier; is it a requirement. Pitingaro: if we use sheet rock, it may not be necessary. Howell: the price quote is $8,900. Sheet rock would be more or less than that? (inaudible) Supervisor: the fire lock is ready to go? We don’t have to do anything? Pitingaro: yes. That timber roof is probably a good idea regardless. Councilman Cambareri: we are looking at $23,000 for the open cell as compared to $37,000 for closed cell on the slope, that’s the main part of the ceiling. The other part for all the walls you’re looking at $4,300 compared to $6,000 for the closed cell. Councilman Carey asked the attorney if he’s seen all the quotes. Pitingaro has not seen the quotes but based on the numbers he would recommend the closed in the walls to save a little and if we don’t need to do additional framing in the ceiling he would recommend the open. Supervisor Volpe: there’s too many variables.
He will make sure that Jason gets copies of the quotes and if Jason gets back to him within a week then he’ll put it on the agenda for next meeting. (Kathleen gave her copies to Jason.) Councilman Cambareri asked Jason when is the point we have to sit down for a final plan as far as going over how we’re going to do things, how we’re gonna cover things, how we’re gonna electrify it, how we’re gonna heat it? Jason wants to look at the quotes and go over the variables and when he makes his determination of what he thinks is the best for this, he will give a list of the other things he thinks should be thought about right now and then you guys can decide when you go about it. He will list the items that need to be considered either before or while you are doing this. Cambareri: we can start to demolish everything in the old pump room because that’s gonna be where our panel is gonna be and where our electric is gonna start from. Pitingaro: once it gets cleared out you’ll have a better sense of (inaudible). Cambareri: it’s tough to figure out which is the main water line coming in from the other building – we’re gonna have to look underneath to discover which one it is. There’s no water out there. One of the pipes that comes up through the floor has to be water supply. Discussion where water is coming in/out of. Supervisor Volpe stated that he has talked to Dean about putting a metal dumpster up there when it gets to be done. Councilman Howell asked if the other 2 companies can give a quote on the thermal barrier. Supervisor: yes.
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Carey to approve the bills (Abstract 5):
GENERAL A:#122-144$ 74,682.22
GENERAL B:#20-26$ 4,553.45
HIGHWAY:#28-39$ 40,194.24
SEWER:#17-21$ 6,889.06
CAP RES GEN B:#2$ 1,728.00
All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Jennings to approve the purchase of the new police server for $8,799.58 to come out of police capital. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
**Councilman Jennings asked if this is a server or a work station. Chief: server. Jennings asked if there were specs. Chief: he has them but not with him. He will email him them.
Mary Maurizzio: asked the difference between the generators prices $8,000- $10,000 for a home v. $40,000 to accommodate police station. Chief Rickard added that Mike Romano said they need a 3 phase generator to run. Pitingaro: 3 phase or single phase is just the type of service you have. The KW’s also are a factor. The larger the KW’s the bigger the unit. They run until you run out of gas/propane. Supervisor Volpe: the next meeting we will know the difference in the money. She asked Councilman Jennings if he actually attended the village meeting. He stated yes. She would prefer that he gives the report on the village. She spoke re: VFW donation. They (VFW) maintain the village park flag pole area.
Diane Loeven: she reported the MV high school play is called “Working”. The National Honor Society is putting on a senior event on March 14 where any seniors in the community are invited to come to the play for $5. In Jim’s defense there was very little that was pertinent to the town. She explained that she reports at the village meetings what happens at town meetings because the village is in the town. That’s not always the case flip-side. She doesn’t care how much the generator costs we’re talking about emergency services in the police station.
Ken Pinkela asked if there was an update on the water situation. Supervisor hasn’t heard anything new. Neither has attorney. He spoke re: Community Advisory Board meeting. They are going to set up a tour of the facility. Councilman Howell stated that the governor’s office has announced grants that protect 10 watersheds in the state – City of Middletown being one.
Adam McCarey asked if there was an update on the 911 addressing issues. Supervisor Volpe reported it is all fixed. They said it was the way Time Warner coded the addresses. They were coded wrong. Everything has been fixed now.
Councilman Howell: no report.
Councilman Carey reported the timer was ordered online and coming from China. There’s issue with timing to get it. He’s going to reorder.
Councilman Cambareri asked Jason to meet with him and take a tour of the sewer treatment plant because he has some questions.
Councilman Jennings asked if we offer warming centers. He saw on social media that other places had them. Supervisor Volpe stated that we could but we don’t have them right now. We would have cancelled the things at the senior center and then also been able to use the fire department. Councilman Jennings wanted to know the protocol if we had one.
Supervisor Volpe reminded everyone there’s a blood drive on Sat. the 10th at the senior center.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to adjourn the meeting at 8:34pm. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2018 at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Myers RMC
Town Clerk