The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at Town Hall on August 3, 2015 7:30pm with the following present: Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Gary Ketcham, Councilwoman Janet Sutherland, Councilman Dominick Cambareri and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.
OFFICIALS PRESENT: Highway Supt. D. Hassenmayer, Police Chief P. Rickard, Atty. D. Bavoso.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Supervisor Volpe following the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked for cell phones to be silenced and/or turned off.
MOTION offered by Councilwoman Sutherland 2nd by Councilman Ketcham that the minutes of the July 20, 2015 meeting as submitted are approved. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
- Insurance cert. for pole barn for Village & Town from Vaughn Construction
- Complaint re: 1012 Route 211 West
- Police budget modification
- Road closing re: New Vernon Rd effective 8/10/15
- Building Inspector report 07/2015
- Ward Pavement re: paving quote
- Insurance cert. re: Otisville Country Fair
- MHFC report
Chief Rickard reported that he met with Jim (Jennings) from fair committee for the fair/parade/run. Operation plan will be ready within 2 weeks. The budget modification is reimbursement for the STOP DWI program.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT by Supt. Hassenmayer:
Supt. Hassenmayer reported that the road resurfacing is finished. They had some trucks from Deerpark help out and we helped them out. The concrete work in front of the highway side of building is done. The footing was poured out by the sign. They started to enlarge the parking lot on the Town Hall side of building. They’ll be putting in milling for a base. That won’t cost anything. He received a bid from Ward Paving (bid with the county) @$84.35/ton in place. This means we pay by the weight slips. He checked with other companies – they won’t do it for any less than Ward. He recommends Ward. Money would come from Capital Highway equipment reserve fund account. County Road 18/New Vernon Road bridge will be closed and hope to be done before school starts. He asked for permission to attend highway school in Saratoga Sept. 15-18th. Projected cost between $600-$700 at another hotel.
PLANNING BOARD: They meet in a couple weeks.
Chief Doty read report into record.
Trustee Loeven spoke re: yard sale and thanked the police department for their help. There was one medical call. There will be a post-sale meeting. The next village board meeting may be cancelled due to the fair.
We’re in the last 2 weeks. There will be a drama production on the 13th. One show at 1:00pm. Brian Imbarrato will get a stipend for helping with this.
Supervisor Volpe stated they will not be going with an inter-municipal agreement for the dumpster. The village will get us a dumpster but we’ll also get another for the police. Effective tonight the price increase will go into effect.
Supervisor Volpe reported the ribbon cutting was great. A few highway guys had some roads named after them. Thank you all.
Supervisor Volpe spoke re: drone at fireworks. Wallkill also had a drone at their fireworks a week before. He saw Lou Ingrassia – he didn’t know about anything with theirs. John Doty added that they tape it and some is put on YOUTUBE. Atty. Bavoso added that there’s not too many municipalities that have drone legislation. NYS has a bill floating restricting drones.
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Howell to approve the budget modification as follows: Transfer $316.64 into A3120.1 Police P/S. This is STOP DWI reinforcement. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd by Councilman Ketcham to approve the Ward Paving quote to pave this parking lot and the senior center parking lot (option 1 and part of option 2) – up to $110,000.00. (Senior center/police/court $56,534.60) All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd by Councilman Cambareri to approve Supt. Hassenmayer to attend highway conference in Saratoga NY, Sept. 15-18, cost not to exceed $700. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilwoman Sutherland 2nd by Councilman Ketcham to approve the following bills:
GENERAL A:#383-400 $ 40,224.01
GENERAL B:#57 $ 1,557.59
HIGHWAY:#115-116 $ 23,555.36
SEWER:#66-67 $ 2,646.75.
All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
Dawn Keeler: spoke re: daughter was to be a 2nd year counselor this year, impeccable attendance. During orientation she advised the director that she would need the last week of camp off for a pre-arranged vacation. She was told at that time she could not be hired. There was a tardiness policy the for young adults never anything in writing. We have a situation this year with a counselor that’s had repetitive tardiness. Father is political member of community. He has been late several hours to his position as counselor. 18-1 counselor ratio, if he’s been late that many times, why hasn’t he been let go? A child that had impeccable attendance & references didn’t get hired. It’s a safety issue at this point. Councilman Cambareri added: all counselors were told it was a 6 week session. Everyone was told if you can’t make the full 6 weeks, we can’t hire you. Your daughter is not the only one who did not get hired because of that. Keeler: there are counselors that are scheduled to take off during those sessions. Councilman Cambareri: those we talked to said they would be there all 6 weeks. There were several we couldn’t hire because of vacation plans.
Keeler: the word of this committee is that we will have full attendance with the counselors for the remainder of the sessions here? Cambareri: I can’t tell you what they’re gonna do but I can tell you when they were interviewed that they have to attend all 6 weeks. Keeler: you also said that tardiness is reason for dismissal. Cambareri: the rules that were read to them yes. All of them are tardy once in a while. They are 16, 17 years old. Keeler: several hours late this particular kid. Cambareri: one counselor was several hours and sent home as part of disciplinary process. Keeler: beg to differ. We can meet outside of this committee. My understanding is there is preferential treatment because it’s this kid. Cambareri: one was late and told not to come in and was docked a day’s pay. Keeler: it’s on record that there has not been a problem with specific counselors with tardiness and not being let go? Cambareri: nobody was let go, he was docked a day’s pay. Keeler: policy states repeated tardiness is reason for dismissal. Cambareri: repeated tardiness would be. Keeler: there have been 4 instances to date; that’s coming from other counselors. She spoke of safety issues with ratio. Trustee Loeven: State requirement is 12-1. Our standard is 10-1. We hired more this year and have 16-1. If a counselor is sent home or gets sick, then we are still within the ratio. Your comment that we hire 18-1 is not true. Keeler: didn’t you make this determination because this was a councilman’s son – that you couldn’t let him go? Loeven: there are disciplinary procedures for any job. Each individual is it can be reason for dismissal; doesn’t say will absolutely be. You are taking the word of other counselors as to what has been going on. You have no idea if any have been disciplined or not because that information is not shared with other counselors. The counselors that have been late have been docked. Keeler: your policy states repeated tardiness is reason for dismissal. What is repeated tardiness to you? Loeven: it doesn’t say it has to be dismissed. It can be used as reason for dismissal. Councilwoman Sutherland: when I was a part of this, it was 3 strikes and you are out and that was whether a child was picked up late..the 2 years I was doing it was whether it was children or counselors. Keeler: do you want me to name the counselor? Loeven: it wouldn’t be appropriate. Sutherland: It’s no one on this board? Keeler: no it isn’t. Keeler: it’s the village of Otisville. Supervisor Volpe offered a meeting with the director, Mrs. Keeler and whomever else you want. If not in a forum like this, I can only have 2 people from this board – legally. Sutherland: she’s saying it’s excessive. What was done? Loeven: disciplinary procedure is not a public issue. Keeler: it’s a safety hazard. Loeven: there are more than enough counselors. Cambareri: we have more than enough. Loeven: repeated tardiness can be grounds for dismissal along with a lot of other things. Keeler: how many is repeated? Loeven: it is not in writing. Supervisor stated he would meet with her after the meeting tonight.
Frank Ketcham: Asked re: 7 Peaks. Atty. Bavoso: they had a workshop on 7-14 and the matter would be on the agenda to discuss the FEIS. Ketcham asked about 30 acre solar farm. Supervisor Volpe: they were told they had to go to planning board but they are not on the agenda yet. A building permit was issued then revoked 3 hours later. They were told because it is so big it has to go to planning board. Ketcham: it is not in our zoning. And because it’s not, that would trigger it to go to the ZBA. Mr. Ketcham asked about the school report. Councilman Cambareri stated that all the stuff was given to them and they would get back to us. Ketcham: by contract they had 10 days? Supervisor Volpe has not heard from them. Cambareri: will check with them.
Jim Jennings: Co-chair for Otisville Country Fair. This is 27th annual fair. We are looking for the town’s support. Supervisor Volpe stated that we approved everything at our last meeting. There was an issue with the golf carts. We are getting them but Wallkill no longer owns the golf course.
Everything is all set. Jennings: thanked the board.
Diane Loeven: asked about the dumpster at senior center being for not for profits as well. Supervisor Volpe: absolutely.
Councilwoman Sutherland: (to Dean) the guys at 4H did a great job. Congratulations to you and Mike Fox for the street signs. It’s awesome. Sutherland: to Mrs. Keeler: have you spoken to the person in charge at the camp? Keeler: I have. She told me it wasn’t her decisions that more of it fell to Mrs. Loeven. She said it was not within her control. Sutherland asked if Lisa was included in on these decisions? Cambareri: absolutely. It’s not her final call to make. Mrs. Keeler: is it public knowledge? Loeven: it’s not. All counselors/directors are dealt with in a firm, fair, consistent manner. There’s not preferential treatment.
Keeler: On the record, it was not the decision of everybody other than Mrs. Emanuele, to keep this counselor on staff? Loeven: for the record, Mrs. Emanuele brings issues to the attention of the commissioners. It’s a group decision. Commissioners meet with her about the best course of action to take with any counselor. The group is Dominick, myself, Mrs. Emanuele, then Chad and the Mayor are brought into it as well. Supervisor Volpe added that he was not brought into this because it was rectified between the 3 of them. Loeven: When your daughter came in the 2nd day of training & said she can’t work the full 6 weeks, everyone was notified about that. Keeler: that’s on record? Loeven: I sent out emails. Councilman Ketcham asked about the payroll sheets for the counselors – aren’t they documented? Loeven: yes. Ketcham: show us everyday. Dean has a piece of paper for all his employees: late, overtime, vacation. That comes to us to review and sign. Put it on paper. Loeven: It is and Brian has to review it. I have no problem sharing it with your board. Keeler: final approval goes to the Mayor? Loeven: The mayor is the final one who signs off on all payroll because they are paid through the village.
Councilman Howell: requested executive session to discuss police personnel.
Supervisor Volpe: Last couple of weeks/month we’ve been working on the refund checks for the fire district. Thank you Kathleen and Angie – they’ve worked numerous hours. Hopefully by Friday we’ll be ready to go. The concert series is improving. The bands are getting a lot of praise.
MOTION offered by Councilwoman Sutherland 2nd by Councilman Howell to enter into executive session for police personnel at 8:18pm. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd by Councilman Ketcham to reconvene regular meeting at 8:42pm. THERE WAS NO ACTION TAKEN AT THIS SESSION. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd by Councilman Ketcham to adjourn the meeting at 8:42pm. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Sutherland, Cambareri; carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 17, 2015 at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Myers
Town Clerk