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The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at Town Hall on April 2, 2018 @7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matthew Howell, Councilman Brian Carey, Councilman Jim Jennings, Councilman Dominick Cambareri and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.

OFFICIALS PRESENT:Highway Supt. D. Hassenmayer, Police Chief P. Rickard & Attorney D. Bavoso.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance the Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.  Please silence all cell phones.


MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey that the minutes of the March 19, 2018 meeting as submitted are approved.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.


  1. Arbor Day proclamation
  2. Resolution for Community Outreach Program Hometown Helpers
  3. Proposed fire contract from Village of Otisville
  4. Letter from NYS Dept. of Ag & Mkts re: shelter inspection 2/28/18 = satisfactory
  5. Letter from Orrick & Herrington re: additional services they provide



Councilman Jennings reported the village meeting is this Thursday at 6:30pm. Planning board met last Wednesday; they meet again on April 18th. No update on library cards yet.

Councilman Cambareri reported going over to view the cemetery. He also went to check the tennis courts. They need quite a bit of work. Nothing is going on at sewer plant.

Councilman Carey reported that little league will be getting clay from Dean as needed. We are good with all the directors for summer rec. We are still in the process of looking for counselors.

Councilman Howell reported the comprehensive plan committee will meet May 3 @5pm at town hall.

Supervisor Volpe asked if we are at the spot where we are talking about the zoning part of it. Councilman Cambareri stated we have started redefining some of the definitions of the zoning, we have redefined some of the zoning areas, renamed some of the areas. This part is a big project. Supervisor asked about large scale solar farms. Will we be able to limit or does the board think we should do a moratorium? It seems like this is coming down the pike and I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing but I don’t think we want them on every street. Councilman Howell: we did touch on solar a little at the last meeting. It is something we want to get more involved in at the next meeting. It was something Roger brought up – one of his check list items. There was some public input on that in terms of large scale solar what would be visible or not to be visible. We have it on our radar to get more involved with. Councilman Cambareri: as far as a change in the law, that’s not gonna happen until months from now. Because to go through this whole process – once we define what we’re gonna do we’ll have public hearing input then there will be a public hearing like before then the town has to have a public hearing. Supervisor: I don’t know what the board feels but we have at least 2 more before the planning board & obviously that wouldn’t affect them. In 6 months from now I don’t want 10. Councilman Howell: that would be 1 way of laying out the regulation towards any solar or windmill or any change to a business district or anything of that nature. It’s gonna follow anything we have outlined in the comp plan. Attorney Bavoso: ultimately there were 3 take-aways from that meeting: 1. Potential maximum for lot coverage either as a percentage or square footage or total acreage 2. the screening provisions 3. Increase setbacks for solar programs. Those 3 were the primary items of change. The committee is hoping to have a proposed zoning law for the board to consider in August. Supervisor asked the board if they would be alright with doing a moratorium. Councilman Cambareri: several other towns have done moratoriums because they are in the same position we are. He has no problem with a moratorium. Councilman Howell has no problem. Supervisor asked about public hearing. Attorney: It can be introduced at the next meeting and have public hearing at 1stMay meeting. This also has to go to the county for review. Supervisor asked David to put this together.



Supervisor Volpe asked Brian to take care of fliers for the school for summer rec. Councilman Carey will take care of it. Supervisor reported there are 4 quotes so far for bounce houses but will get a few more. He has received more calls for the CPR class. There are 6 on a waiting list and he will speak with Bob Decker about doing another one.


AT THIS TIME, Town Clerk stated that she has a folder of updates to the CPV plant here on the table in case anyone wants to see it.



H’way Supt. reported that trash days are scheduled to start 4-18. Councilman Carey asked the status of the VFW donation for the project at the end of the driveway. Supervisor Volpe: we are waiting on the drawing.







Trustee Loeven reported the next village meeting is this Thursday at 6:30 with public hearings. 1st is on their budget which shows 0% increase. She reported Arbor Day is April 27th. The village partnered with the garden club to plant 3 donated trees at the village park. She referred to the solar development of the comprehensive plan. She would ask the committee that the developers of these large scale solar farms have to provide training for the fire departments. That’s a critical factor.  Councilman Howell will pass that on to the planning board.



Supervisor Volpe gave sign up dates for summer rec: April 23, 24 & May 1. The fliers will be going home with the children hopefully this week.



MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2ndCouncilman Carey that the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope hereby recognizes & commends the administrators & volunteers of the Community Outreach Program, Hometown Helpers, for providing much needed support to seniors & other adults with disabilities residing in the Otisville/Mount Hope community. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried. (Complete resolution at the end of these minutes.)



Supervisor Volpe asked Councilman Carey if he’s working on getting firetrucks for community day. Councilman Carey: there was a little issue with it last year but he is working on it.



Supervisor asked if the board had questions with the contract. Board members did not have questions.



MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2ndCouncilman Carey to approve the 2018 fire protection contract between the Village of Otisville and the Town of Mount Hope and authorize town supervisor to sign said contract. All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried. (Copy on file in Town Clerk’s office.)








Supervisor Volpe thanked everyone for getting back to him. He asked if we are able to change and put the tape in and make it….Councilman Cambareri: you put it inside it but you have to tour our tennis courts. Our tennis courts are in really bad shape. They need repairs. They’re at the point where they should be resurfaced or at the minimum they have to be patched. Supervisor asked if we can bid that out. Councilman Cambareri: it’s gonna be a lot of money. Supt. Hassenmayer referred to the current surface being a combination of Ford Paving and the highway department. Councilman Cambareri: there’s several companies around that do tennis courts. There’s a company from Albany called Copeland that does the painting and striping. There’s a couple big cracks. One was already fixed a couple years ago. Discussion over the process to fix the cracks. Supt. Hassenmayer: There are a few options he has seen.  One is a tile grid to put over it in color but that’s expensive compared to grinding that up and restarting. Councilman Cambareri: 1ststep is to call someone like Poley Paving and get an estimate. They handle the whole thing, the black-topping, they’ll hire the fence contractor unless you want to be your own GC. We can get a price on resurfacing, and then get a price for someone taking the fence down and put back up, then the striping. Supervisor asked Dean to start making calls.



Supt. Hassenmayer put a call in to Steve Dodd about the air conditioner for this building. He sais he doesn’t remember whether he bought it or not. He was told he needs the unit here as soon as possible because he has to hire a roof contractor to fit it to the roof. There was discussion about putting it on the ground out back. Dean is waiting to hear back from him.



Supervisor Volpe, Matt, Dean & Jason went to the cemetery to look at the property. Basically what’s proposed is to take a loop off the back – there’s a service road that goes through the back.

We would want to get about an acre. We would have to do 8 different depth tests to make sure we could put plots in there. There would be very little work on our end. We could do 2400 burials in one acre. If we are able to get one acre and do a perimeter road around it, we’ll have plenty of space. The engineer is gonna get a hold of the map, change the proposed lines on it and get it back to Howell’s fire district and as we learn more I will pass it on.



Ken Pinkela spoke re: old school. The director of the county’s community development project is Rich Mayfield. Chris Furman & Ken pulled Mr. Mayfield in to do a site visit. We didn’t know if we would have access to the federal dollars up front. We knew later on we could. Rich turned us on to it- the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant). We went to the subsequent training which was great. The county has had a great history, about a million+ each year. They usually don’t have enough applicants because it’s really just for municipalities. We would be a sub-recipient. And because they don’t have enough applicants it reflects that there aren’t community centers in our towns & villages across the whole county. Not only does Rich know about us but he got us but he’s the one who got us in this direction to act as a sub-recipient. We’ve always wanted to be that partner with the town and with the village. We are the 3rdparty contractor. We are the community services that everybody voted for. He stated he had a quick meeting with Chad. The board has already done the resolution which is the administrative portion. There was nothing large project-wise for the CDBG this year. Supervisor: for the 2018 calendar year there is nothing on our…me personally considering I write most all of the grants for the town. Right now we have one for Arbor Day, senior walking trails, one for the pool building, one for a tractor. We have quite a few out there. You’re talking anywhere from 40-100 hours to write proper grant stuff. Pinkela: Alison & I are at the point – we’re lead on this. That county office – that’s all they do other than this. This is for us to get open. This is for us to open the community center – the main rooms (the veteran’s room). We had a wonderful talk with Rose from girl scouts. She and her mother are a dynamo. They’ve already got one of the large rooms ID’d to do their large community access room. The services that that building can provide is just – that’s what it was built for. Chad asked me to come and answer any questions. We’ll do all the legwork. The fee is paid for by HUD. It behooves us to apply. When you apply in subsequent years you actually get points for successful application. Councilman Carey: we applied for this grant through Rich Mayfield. He came out and sat with Julie And I about a year and a half ago.


Councilman Carey cont.: We didn’t meet eligibility because of our senior rate & our household income. What’s different for you guys to get this grant? Is it what you want to do with it as compared to what we were gonna do with it? Pinkela: more than likely – not knowing what you proposed to them. What we are/what we deeded into the property as the community services arts & recreation. All those public services that need space specifically seniors & youth; and accessibility. The elevator request alone will put us on top. It was probably more the demographics. You’ve done your resolution. The only other thing we would ask was the public hearing. Supervisor: didn’t we already do the public hearing so we could stay on the list for that grant? Town Clerk: I think so. Supervisor: we’ll continue to do it every year. Pinkela: We asked for $125,000. But that will go really quick. Councilman Cambareri: have you hired an architect yet? Pinkela: no. The biggest change we know we have to do is the elevator. He spoke to the elevator company “HANDY LIFT”. They think they can do it on the outside – not to change the inside.



MOTION offered by Councilman Carey 2ndCouncilman Howell to proclaim April 27, 2018 as Arbor Day in the Town of Mount Hope and the Supervisor urges all citizens to add to the beauty of our town by planting a tree and supporting efforts to protect trees and woodlands. (see complete proclamation at end of these minutes). All in favor: Howell, Carey, Jennings, Cambareri, Volpe; carried.

*Supervisor explained becoming a tree city. By becoming a tree city we are the 1stto get grants and potentially they’ll (DEC) do a match for every tree we buy and plant at the park every year.



MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri 2nd Councilman Howell to approve the following bills (Abstract 7):

GENERAL A:                #176-206         $ 54,914.87

GENERAL B:                #37-42             $  3,939.33

HIGHWAY:                   #51-57             $ 37,265.21

SEWER:                       #28-31             $   1,316.75

CAP RES GEN A POL: #1-2                 $   7,181.02

All in favor: Howell, Carey, Jennings, Cambareri, Volpe; carried.



Ken Pinkelaasked if there was an update on Spectrum. Atty. Bavoso had followed up with them. Spectrum is looking in to it. Pinkela: we found out that Kohler Road has not been completed. This is the franchise agreement – it’s money for us. He spoke re: Mountain Road and the young kids flying down the road in a gray and black honda. 80-100 miles hour twice a day. He would like some help with that on Mountain Road.

Diane Loevenmentioned the 1stsenior trip on 4-11-2018. She thanked the town board for the resolution in support of the Hometown Helpers.

Frank Ketcham spoke re: CPV. He respectfully requested that the board consider the board to write a resolution suggesting that the state pass laws that invalidate the state permit for projects tainted by corruption. That would apply to competitive power ventures plant in Wawayanda. The county is voting on it this coming Friday. He hopes our board would consider doing this to protect our residents and the county. They fired the plant up again. People are complaining about the smell.  He asked about the water. Atty. Bavoso contacted a couple people in Middletown. The responded that no new tests have been applied for & they don’t foresee doing any for at least 6 months. They do need to do testing but they don’t have any plan.

Marybeth Horzepaasked Councilman Howell for next meeting on the comprehensive plan. Councilman Howell: Thursday, May 3rdat 5pm at town hall.

Chris Furmanspoke re: CPV and water. He thinks we should really think about the CPV. Percoco has shown he was guilty. It’s not so much that a power plant was built but it was the way it was done. He believes something is not right. He fears something like this could be done in our town. There’s more people against this than for it. He asked id the have been pumping water out of the creek. Supervisor has not seen anything recently. Months ago – absolutely. Not now. This is all under the radar. This isn’t pumping that the DEC said yes go ahead. The City of Middletown is doing it then when DEC comes out they stop move their pump then when they leave they do it again. It’s not anything they got a permit to do.


Mary Maurizzioasked how the lady with the dry well made out. Supervisor stated she got water. Councilman Cambareri: it didn’t go dry, her pump was bad. She asked Councilman Jennings about mentioning the upcoming village meeting and planning and zoning meetings. She asked if he attended the meeting. He said he did. She asked if there was feedback to give to this meeting. He said no that it was a quiet meeting.



Councilman Howellreported there is an informational session on April 17 from 6-9 at Mount Saint Mary College re: the Story of food Waste. The next one is the county household hazardous waste and operation safe script pharmaceutical collection event on April 14 at 9-3 at Thomas Bull Memorial park in Montgomery.

He will hang on bulletin board in hallway.

Councilman Careyadded that the prescription drugs can also be dropped off at the police station. If you have anyone that wants to be a summer camp counselor, please apply.

Councilman Cambarerireported that the geese are back at the park. H’way Supt. has a whistle gun that Dave had bought a while ago. Over the winter he ordered caps and whistles. They’re called “bird bangers”.

Councilman Jennings – no report.

Supervisor Volpe verified with the attorney that he taking acre of the large scale solar. The attorney said yes. Supervisor Volpe updated everyone: hopefully within a month we’ll have the money for a grant to put walking trials over by Devan’s Gate. It will come all the way up Mount Hope Road and loop around. There will also be trails, benches and pavilion also. This will all be paid for from money from Aileen Gunther’s office.



MOTION offered by Councilman Howell 2nd Councilman Carey to adjourn the meeting at 8:24pm.  All in favor: Howell, Carey, Volpe, Jennings, Cambareri; carried.


The next meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2018 at 7:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Myers RMC, Town Clerk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         








































WHEREAS,the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope adopted a Resolution in 2008 supporting the creation of an Otisville/Mount Hope Community Outreach Program to assist seniors and other adults with disabilities residing in Otisville and Mount Hope; and


WHEREAS, the Town of Mount Hope continues to be committed to helping meet the needs of seniors and other adults with disabilities and recognizes the importance of promoting programs to assist these individuals in remaining independent in their homes; and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope, as a local legislative body, is authorized to endorse the Community Outreach Program known as Hometown Helpers; and


WHEREAS, such Program is administered by an Administrative Board consisting of not less than five (5) community volunteers; and


WHEREAS, the presiding officer or chairman of such Program is selected by the membership of the Administrative Board; and


WHEREAS, the Program directs itself toward accomplishing the following objectives:


  1. To support seniors and other adults with disabilities in their goal to remain in their homes rather than moving to assisted living, nursing homes, or other institutional settings by developing a program to coordinate volunteers to provide services necessary to achieve this goal.Whenever appropriate, this effort shall be furthered by partnering with existing organizations;


  1. To develop programs designed to help meet the needs of these individuals and to encourage their full participation in the Community;


  1. To stimulate interest in the problems facing seniors and other adults with disabilities;


  1. To promote public awareness of resources available for these individuals;


  1. To research and seek available grants and other funding from federal, state, and county governments as well as other sources, including private funding and donations specifically designated for these purposes;


  1. To research and catalog available public and private resources that provide community services to seniors and other adults with disabilities;


  1. In addition to the foregoing, carry out any other duties, tasks, or responsibilities consistent with the objectives set forth herein.


AND WHEREAS, 2018 marks the 10 year anniversary of the creation of the Otisville/Mount Hope Community Outreach Program known asHometown Helpers, and


WHEREAS, April 3rd, 2018 has been designated as “National Service Recognition Day”,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope that the Town of Mount Hope supports the goals and objectives of the Otisville/Mount Hope Community Outreach Program,Hometown Helpers, as listed herein; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope hereby recognizes and commends the administrators and volunteers of the Community Outreach Program, Hometown Helpers,for providing much needed support to seniors and other adults with disabilities residing in the Otisville/Mount Hope community.


Adopted by the Town Board at a meeting held on April 2, 2018.









WHEREAS, in 1872, Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and

WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; and

WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife; and

WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires, and countless other products; and

WHEREAS, healthy trees in our city increase property values, enhance economic vitality and add to the beauty of our neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal; and

WHEREAS, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the United States as well as around the world; and


THEREFORE, I, Chad Volpe, do hereby proclaim April 27, 2018 as Arbor Day in the Town of Mount Hope and I urge all citizens to add to the beauty of our Town by planting a tree and supporting efforts to protect trees and woodlands.



Town of Mount Hope, New York

Chad Volpe, Supervisor