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The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mount Hope was held at Town Hall on October 6, 2014 at 7:30pm with the following present:  Supervisor Chad Volpe, Councilman Matt Howell, Councilman Gary Ketcham, Councilman Dominick Cambareri and Town Clerk Kathleen Myers.  NOT PRESENT: Councilwoman Janet Sutherland

OFFICIALS PRESENT:  H’way Supt. D. Hassenmayer, Chief P. Rickard, Attorney D. Bavoso.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Volpe called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.



MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri seconded by Councilman Howell that the minutes of the 915-2014, 9-29-2014 and 9-30-2014 meetings as submitted are approved.  All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



  1. Copy of Halloween curfew
  1. Building Inspector’s report 9-2014
  1. NYS Dept. of Ag/Mkts. Re: humane society shelter inspection report/unsatisfactory
  1. Proposal from Cosentino Architecture: old school
  1. Letter from H’way Supt. re: Rochester Recycling contract
  1. Copy of resolution from court for approval to go for grant
  1. Memo from Chief Rickard re: resolutions for discussion
  1. 3 garage door quotes
  1. Public hearing notice from T/O Mount Hope planning board re:  12-1-56.23
  1. Mount Hope fire report 10-6-14



POLICE DEPT.  by Chief Rickard:

Chief Rickard requested permission to send one car/officer to the Tri-State parade Dec. 14, 2014 in Port Jervis.  He requested the board to approve the Halloween curfew.  He spoke re: Code Red.  Chad asked him to speak to Code Red re: emergency management.  It’s a phone notification system.  2 boards ago decided not to move forward with it.  New cost estimate $5,250/year and locked in for 3 years.  This would come out of emergency management line.  He asked the board to discuss it and let him know whether or not to have a representative come in and speak.


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT by Highway Supt. Hassenmayer:

Highway Supt. Hassenmayer spoke re: the recycling program.  Maven (current one) is not in business anymore.  They solicited 6 companies.  Only 2 got back to them.  This new company would charge .35 cents per pound for CRT’s (older tv’s) – electronics free.  1st week trash went well.  4 pallets of tv’s – maybe 600 lbs.  He spoke of garage door quotes.  There is 1 door out back that’s out of order and a 2nd one is starting to buckle.  One bidder is his brother. There is money in the budget to do 2 doors this year; then 2 more next year.  Supervisor Volpe asked what turn around time is for getting the doors done. Supt. Hassenmayer stated 8-10 days lead time with 2 days to install.  Councilman Cambareri asked if estimates were apples2apples.  Supt. Hassenmayer stated yes.  They are for doors and new openers.  Openers on back of garage are antique.  PESH requires I-beam sensor at bottom of door.



Trustee Loeven asked for a copy of Halloween curfew to be sent to Village Hall once adopted.  She spoke to Dean re: wiping clean computer memory with the new recycling company.  Dean doesn’t see it in the new contract. Chief Rickard suggested to take the hard drive out and destroy.  She cannot attend our next meeting.  Trustee Coppola will attend in her absence.  She stated that Janet is setting up a recap meeting with the directors possibly for Wednesday evening.



Chief Doty read report.  Fire prevention is this month.  They have visited 2 preschools and will be going to Otisville Elementary with Howells, Greenville & Otisville.




MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri seconded by Councilman Howell that anyone under the age of 18 must be off town roads after 9:00pm from Oct. 30, 2014 through Nov. 2, 2014 unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian 21 years of age or older or if they are coming to or from a work assignment or school activity. All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



Councilman Cambareri asked Chief Doty for the dates of the fireworks.  J. Doty replied they need only the area around the big pavilion.  These guys use class c stuff.  Councilman Cambareri asked how many hours. J. Doty replied from 3-9 the day of and next morning Mike usually cleans up.  Councilman Cambareri asked about the fire prevention plan and clean-up plan. J. Doty replied their fire truck would come down to stand by for whole night then next morning Mike would come clean up.  Councilman Cambareri asked if the neighbors would be notified?  J. Doty stated yes he will notify.  Councilman Cambareri would like to see a clean-up plan. He asked for how many hours they need to keep park closed for clean-up. He worries about this after what happened last time.  He wants a written plan.  J. Doty stated he would bring one in.  He explained the differences in class b and class c shells/fireworks.  He offered to call Mike Romano and have him come to the meeting.



MOTION offered by Councilman Howell seconded by Councilman Ketcham to approve the contract with Rochester Computer Recycling & Recovery LLC for electronics recycling.  All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



Supervisor Volpe spoke re: donation of property by Loiacono. It’s on Hilltop Avenue.  Atty. Bavoso stated the board needs to decide if we want it.  It would be a deed transfer. We would require title insurance also. Councilman Cambareri stated if it doesn’t border any of our parks we don’t need it. Councilman Ketcham & Councilman Howell agreed.  They will table until next time.



MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri seconded by Councilman Howell to authorize the Justice Department to apply for a Justice Court Assistance Program (JCAP) Grant in the amount of $2,644.99 for the 2013-2014 year.  All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.     



Councilman Cambareri spoke re: it’s $2,000 < other proposal.  He is an architect.  Everything he needs done he has to sub-contract out.  KC Engineering has all the engineers in their firm.  It can be done within their firm. Basically, it’s apples2apples of what they’re gonna provide.  They’re gonna provide estimates on whether or not the structure is sound to pursue.  They’re not giving any cost estimates or plumbing estimates or mechanical estimates.  It’s a structural study.

Supervisor Volpe:  do we want that all included in it?  Councilman Cambareri:  that’s going to be the next phase.  1st step is to see if the structure is sound enough to do anything with then after that it’s gonna be more expensive to see what the cost is to do all that.  That’s a rough estimate of $160/sq.ft. for renovations but it didn’t include any electrical, plumbing, heating.  In order to get to a point to get $ amount, it has to be done in steps. It’s a $20,000 hit to just get started.      Councilman Ketcham: it’s the 1st step to make sure the walls aren’t going to come down and the roof won’t cave in before you start to try to fix it.  Councilman Howell: agrees. We need a report that’s gonna say either fix it or don’t – avenue A or avenue b.  Councilman Ketcham: someone needs to tell us if we’re gonna waste our money or not.  F. Ketcham added that the KC report is just a structural report.  Cosentino included mechanical & all the inner works.  He didn’t read the report. It’s what he was told.  Councilman Cambareri: he didn’t include that in his proposal.  Cosentino was structural also.  There would be no…. – it’s just a proposal to look at building.  No cost estimates were provided. Supervisor Volpe: both are out of his expertise.  Councilman Cambareri: would like to sit with both of them. Supervisor Volpe will try to set it up for next week.  161


Councilman Cambareri:  questioned the photo eye safety sensor and safety hitch. Supt. Hassenmayer: They are supposed to have both.  He will check on this tomorrow to follow up.



MOTION offered by Councilman Howell seconded by Councilman Ketcham to approve the following bills:

GENERAL A:#539-582$  69,936.41

GENERAL B:#80-83$    6,246.61

HIGHWAY:#150157$  41,612.01

SEWER:#8590$    3,258.92

PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS:#2$        32.88.

All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



MOTION offered by Councilman Ketcham seconded by Councilman Cambareri to allow one officer and one car to attend the Tri-State parade in Port Jervis on Dec. 14, 2014.  All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



Councilman Cambareri:  It’s been done many years.  He has concerns:  what hours on the days of the event?  What time closed?  John said a fire truck will be there.  What is your clean-up plan?

Mr. Romano: They do site check after the show. Then next day go and John is there & pick up the big debris.

Councilman Cambareri:  will you have enough people to do the clean-up both town & village and school property?  Will any of it float through the air like the rest of the stuff does?

Mr. Romano:  all fireworks go up in air.  Everything will vary with the wind.

Councilman Cambareri: that’s why we need a plan. We’ll have to keep park closed the next morning until we’re sure it’s safe for people to use.

Mr. Romano:  we can give you a plan to get a few people there the next morning to get it cleaned up and we can do it the night of – if the football people will give us the lights at night.

Councilman Cambareri: previous fireworks left debris as far down as Grange Road.  Will you request the highway dept. mow the lawn the day before?

Mr. Romano:  we could ask the town to mow it down.  Councilman Howell: would like to have a plan in place.  Mr. Romano:  we usually have the permit for 2 hours, 7-9.  They agreed on closing the park from 3-11 on the 19th & until noon on the 20th subject to receiving a written plan.



MOTION offered by Councilman Ketcham seconded by Councilman Cambareri that Mike Romano Fireworks training session at the Mount Hope Town Park on October 19, 2014 from 3:00pm through noon on October 19, 2014.  Insurance Certificate will be provided and residents are to be notified; all subject to receiving a written plan for cleanup.  All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.



  1. Ketcham: asked for a 7 Peaks update.  Atty. Bavoso:  they had an information meeting last week.  There has been a change in positions on the boards there.  We are on mailing list.  There will be another public hearing.  Mount Hope will be notified.
  2. Loeven: told Dean about a senior trip on the 22nd for parking purposes.
  3. Maurizzio: asked why fireworks on the 19th?  Supervisor Volpe advised her that it’s for training purposes.



  1. Ketcham & Alison Miller: gave slide show presentation of possible uses for the old Otisville school.  Megan Tannerman, OC Planning Dept. spoke re: adaptive re-use work and various grants. OC Dept. of planning is willing to help you find money. D. Loeven asked about matching funds grants. M. Tannerman: not all are matching funds.  Some are based on %.




  1. Rickard: asked if this presentation was the opinion of all the committee members? F. Ketcham stated that they were broken down into different groups.  
  2. Maurizzio:  asked about consolidation of offices and what about the highway departments?  What will happen to the current town hall and village hall when the offices leave?  F. Ketcham stated the original plan was to have the highway dept. expand over to this side.
  3. Friedle: asked when the elevator would go in.  F. Ketcham:  when we start developing the 2nd floor.
  4. Fairweather:  will there be a resource center or library?  F. Ketcham:  resource center to begin with.
  5. Freidle: will residents get to vote on this?  Supervisor Volpe: yes.



  1. Maurizzio: asked for an update on the joint meeting re: joint fire district.  Supervisor Volpe:  we are starting to put together a plan.  We meet again next month and hope to have more information then.  She advised the board that she attempted to attend a fire district meeting last month and they went executive session 5 minutes after she got there.  She feels they are being secretive.
  2. Cooke: would like to see more information/more descriptive in the public hearing notices from the planning board.  Town Clerk read notice into record.  Atty. Bavoso will speak to planning board.
  3. Geiss: asked where the donation of property was located?  Supervisor Volpe stated:  corner of Hilltop Avenue and Ridge Avenue.
  4. Prisco: asked if the board is considering doing any minor repairs to the old school to keep it from further deteriorating?   Councilman Cambareri: There is no minor fix to the roof.  The whole roof needs to be replaced.  F. Ketcham: the flat roof was all that was fixed.



Councilman Ketcham reported that Councilwoman Sutherland is not here tonight due to a family member being in the hospital.



MOTION offered by Councilman Cambareri seconded by Councilman Howell to adjourn the meeting at 9:00pm.  All in favor: Howell, Ketcham, Volpe, Cambareri; carried.


The next meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2014 at 7:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,



Kathleen A. Myers

Town Clerk